2.8 Beta released(29/11/2018)!

some will use but the majority will not and stick with commercial apps.

Interesting. Start with default scene and cube. Go to edit mode and press 3 to go to face mode and select a face. Now press ctrl R to add a loop cut into the cube.

You can no longer select any faces. It appears to put it into edge mode after adding the loop, but you can’t even select edges or faces or anything. You next need to press 3 to select faces again. (or 2 to select edges).

Can anybody else confirm this? Is this on purpose? Shouldn’t it return to the state it was in before the loop cut?

Are we going to this “autodesk vs blender” battle even in this topic? C’mon and rather give some hugs to developers this is one of those cheers days and they deserve it. So cheers and good job guys!:v::birthday::love_you_gesture:


Yes and…no. Yes- beacause it is just the way it is and no - it should not be that way and Brecht said that it will be fixed sooner or later. They just don’t know how thay should aproach it. It is cycles fault and fixing it easiest way will make all you files look wrong in new version.

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I really like the splash. Looks really slick.


Yes, getting the same action here also.
Must need more work I would guess.

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Oh no worries I will remain using Blender, teaching it, and promoting it!

lets not get to assumptions and what not, because even Rome crumbled.

Oh no, not a good first impression for all the new users that will give it a try today. I will try it and report back, 5 more minutes to finish the download.

Edit: Tested, same result as you :frowning:

Thanks for checking. I reported it. This is the only tool I noticed doing it.

It took me a bit to figure out why I suddenly couldn’t select anything anymore.

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Thanks for checking!

Congrats, this is a day that are the greatest in the History of Blender. It started our as a nerdy little caotic thing that now has change into something that the developers can be very proud of. 98 % of the necessary features are now in place, but sadly no integrated asset browser. It is beyond my understanding why this is so difficult. Many external solutions like fluid designer, BlenderPro and one more that I have forgot the name of. so now when Blender is closing final release, this solution will come from ppl outside the blender institute.

Oh no. I reported it and it was closed as invalid. William said…
Not a bug. This has always been the case. It’s strange, but the reason is that otherwise it would not be possible to only have the loop selected.

Problem is, you can’t even select edges. Nothing. Edges, faces, vertices. This won’t go over well with new users. It took me a bit to figure out how to select again.

William just reopened it.

Oh good. Thanks

Great news ! I love it so much ! For me Blender 2.80 Beta is functional.

Blender 2.80 Python API Documentation is work in progress


Blender 2.8 will make some turbulence in the Autodesk sea, in the foundry sea and perhaps some small waters like Maxon. Also with EEVEE there are many that have reason to fear, like Vray. Houdini has notting to fear, they are the best when it comes to simulations, here Blender is just a small boy yet.

Did they delete Shift + Z Shortcut? Or is just a different combination?

it seems they just released their maya 2018 update 5 and FBX 2.0 today coincidentally with 2.80 beta, which usually stops at 4 in their yearly cycle, i think @Ace_Dragon might be right here, they are putting those billions in developement, that’s why they are delaying it as much as possible…things got more interesting.


is there a link that we can use to follow the progress?