2.8 Beta released(29/11/2018)!

There is no integrated asset browser because there is limited manpower. So dev had to set priorities - what is more important and should be polished and released with 2.80 and what can wait to 2.81, 2.82 etc. With greater founds. more devs all features would be shipped with 2.80. ISo again, it is not a matter of things being easy or difficult, it is a matter of day having only 24 hours. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s the link to what I reported, if that’s what you are asking. :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately theres still plenty of problems with 2.8 that haven’t been fixed.

-Constant change of several shortcuts (not a problem but annoying)
-No asset browser
-Shapekeys are still bugged and will not register on timeline
-Blender 2.8 still crashes (less frequently but still)
-Material bugs out and changes color (on eevee)
-Bones still jump around when removing constrains instead of staying in place
-Cannot edit in eevee without it freezing constantly every 20 seconds (whats the point of having eevee?)
-Modelling and rigging lags way more than 2.79(low fps on animations)
-Still no motion blur for objects on eevee

Does it feel 2.8 is being rushed? Its Beta yeah, but theres still so many problems with 2.8. Common guys, dont rush this for the sake of rushing it.


Because it is beta, not RC. As devs said, stable version should be shipped in 4 months. So, they have a whole 4 months to fix issues with blender. It is not rushed.

_Beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs.[4] Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs in it than completed software, speed or performance issues, and may still cause crashes or data loss.

Because of limited manpower, there will be no asset manager in 2.80. It will be shipped with 2.81 or 2.82.


The biggest problem I’m having is with performance, but hopefully the devs will focus more on performance improvements and bug fixing now Blender is in beta. It’s our job to report problems with it on the official chanels so that they will know these problems exist.

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Looptools is still broke, so basically i can’t use 2.80 for modeling, i guess blender is now a renderer not a modeler

2.7 keymap still have Deselect all to Alt+A and not A -> to Selecta all : Toggle, so i had to go manually setting to toggle like 20 shortcuts

Not all the addons have been updated yet. If you want the old A toggle, check this box in the preferences:


The A toggle only appears in the keymap “Blender” in the 2.7 kemap it doesnt appear, i tried it.

I’ve used Looptools in 2.8. If you’re using the LMB workflow, it will be found in the RMB menu.

That’s probably a mistake. The 2.7 keymap obviously should do the A toggle thing already. I’d probably bug-report it if I were you.


Edit:after uninstalling ALL my blender versions, deleting all registry keys and all Roaming data Looptools finally works

More edits: →
Loop tools Fails ONLY in some meshes, if i add a new mesh it works, if append the problematic mesh to a new file it fails

Thank a lot guy’s and the click in viewport to deselect and direct box selection made my day when i saw it on Pablo Blender today!:wink:

This is a good beta release, so far so good.

Could be quite right - but I hardly think they really think it is a major thread. Fact is those companies have an R&D budget that allows them to deliver tools Blender does not have. And people who need Maya will use Maya.

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I don’t know if people will stop using Maya or whatever, but I think a lot more 3d artists will include Blender in their workflows once 2.8 is out.


of course studios will still use commercial softwares, especially their piplelines are well established with them, the point is that more professional artists seems now to get interested in 2.8 with features like EEVEE ,Grease Pencil, newUI ,compatible keymap…etc if u go to social media you can see big names sharing 2.8 demos, the point here it’s a competiton in the end, and blender not only offers a tempting alternative in terms of price but also artsitc freedom, look what happened to foundry and it’s private data collecting, it’s turning some of it’s users to blender…as long as these big companies don’t try to sabotage the rise of 2.8 like autodesk with it’s FBX format, i think it’s only good for blender because more people joining especially small studios and professionals means more funding, and since BF doesn’t relay on # of sales they don’t worry too much, but those big companies if it drops 10% - 50% then things get scary for them…losing huge number of customers is not a fun thing…for us blender is heading into a good direction but only future can tell what will actually happen.

I really do hope that the optimization of 2.8 surpasses 2.79. Blender was always been bad at handling large amount of verts and when people say you should leave the small details to texturing, they don’t realize texture painting could be just as slow.

That’s what the beta is for, fixing bugs.

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to clarify after all the discussion: the “only if autodesk purchase blender” was a joke about their touch of ruin. I know they can’t “buy out” blender, god bless Ton for that.

back on the beta itself, anyone else feels that using it is like wearing that old pajama you like, but the sizes aren’t right?

I know how to walk around blender, but even so i’m taking a long time to rewire the brain and muscle memory based on the new shortcuts

Yeah it was like that when I started using the alpha builds, but now I’m already starting to lose touch with 2.79 :slight_smile: