Yeeesss plz! jeep us up to date!! I’m really interested on it!
Thanks very very much!
now the site is not working
Any idea if it will be back? Or another place to find them?
Say, how’s that move to the different server coming? I was really enjoying these.
Awww, those tutorials look like they’ll be tasty but the website is still down.
Hey, look at me! I’m a big jerk. I’m being a “me too”-er and a “shameless bump”-er both at the same time. Yay!
Seriously though, I’d reeeeeally appreciate it if somebody has copies of this stuff laying around!
I just contacted Jazzdalek through his youtube account and he immediately replied with permission to publish his files. I put them in a zip file and you can download them here.
well, i can put them on my site ASAP…
WHOLLY CRAP 21 MB THIS BETTER BE WORTH MY DOWNLOAD TIME lol not complaining thanks for the files
Thanks for sharing. Appreciate the tutorials!
Thank you, thank you and again… Thank you !
Does anyone know where these tutorials have gone - is a broken link and I’d really like to have a go at these …
Read the posts just before yours.
Thanks for uploading! I was really sad when I lost these files from my HD and couldn’t replace them. This is an great resource for anyone interested in cut-out style animation and is totally worth the download.
Thanks for uploading them. I had heard about them but found a dead link when I tried to get them at an earlier time! So thanks again.
Who has it, all links are dead even the later “mirrors”
hi i made a little change in the code so it goes a little faster instead of moving everything in every redraw why not just change the layer.
import Blender
handle =
base = handle.getName()[:-4]
locator = Blender.Object.Get(base)
# zero out all animation for all replacements
for i in range(1,5):
repobjname = "%s.%03d" % (base, int(i))
repobj = Blender.Object.Get(repobjname)
if (repobj):
repobj.layers=[10] #change the number if you want a different layer
# determine replacement object by checking handle x-pos
x,y,z = handle.getLocation()
if x<1: x==1
repobjname = "%s.%03d" % (base, int(x))
repobj = Blender.Object.Get(repobjname)
# set replacement to be child of empty
if repobj:
link all the faces to the empty and place them all in the same spot
Love the idea of using a bar to change the faces. Cool tutorial.
@ Juako
Wow! Nice, thanks for updating that script and making it better.
@ everyone else
sorry the links have been down for so long. I just got everything up and working and will hopefully have some time in the near future to devote to new tutorials.