3D-Coat as a companion to Blender

People that used some software for years and mastering it, will always talk in defavorable way of other software.
Nothing new about the internet flamewars :joy:

Perhaps there is more users leaving Zbrush, but maxon is aiming for companies that will be ok with price.
For individuals 3D artists doing high resolution work, they clearly don’t want any compromises or work around, they will have no choice to pay Maxon for Zbrush ( until another software would handle as smoothly high density meshes and get many of some great features it has).

And you can anytime edit position and size of individual points using those intuitive spheres gizmos :+1:
This is one feature among others where 3D coat do better than all other apps.

Easy fast export mesh as item for kitbash library in one click
This is such things i qualify about 3D artists fast intuitive workflow.

Don’t forget the “To global space”, it’s like remesh, when you deform surface polygons or voxels does not stay uniform, using brushes will not behave so well until you use this feature.

Anyway have fun with 3D coat.