3d illusion

Ah, that works. The 3d object is too blurry though 'cos my eyes are focused on my finger. Whenever I try to look at the 3d object, it disappears. Also, it’s still not very comfortable - I much prefer the 3d glasses approach to 3d. I could never watch a whole 3d movie with crossed-eyes.

It would be cool if someone did some 3d images using Blender. Animations might be hard but stills should be ok. Here’s a good tutorial on how to do it:


but glasses cost $$$$

fingers are free - in fact, people sometimes just give them to you…

I imagine some people around here have given me one recently… %| :wink: :smiley:

try it a few times and it will just snap into place - not uncomfortable either. No worse than looking at something about a foot away.

BTW the pic is bad - highly compressed to be modem friendy…

Not sure if anyone cares anymore, but some people aren’t going to be able to go cross eyed without lots of eyeball exercise :wink: If you can’t go cross-eyed it usually means you eyes muscles aren’t that coordinated or the lateral rectus muscles attached to the eyes (they pull your eyes towards the outside) are stronger than the medial rectus ones (pull your eyes towards the middle)

I have this “problem” and need to wear glasses otherwise I get headaches when reading, or doing computer work since my eyes keep trying to move outwards instead of focusing on the middle where they should be. So technically I’m highly muscular, just not in the right spots.:stuck_out_tongue:

/random science fact.

There’s the teacher in me coming out.

The mother of all optical illusion sites:

Wow, cool oxman!

My eyes are watering! No more illusions for me today!

You look at all those illusions for a long time and you could get pretty delirious. About the idea of 3D porn we have enough types already, you continue and people will have no way of knowing what they’re looking at and destroy everything that even deals with the arts :o

that makes the most awesome wallpaper.

I set it when slashdot covered it yesterday!
so do we really need to keep reposting their articles?

it is an awesome illusion though.

Look at different spots on this image:

Weird, huh?

nothings happening?

Really sweet!

Stare at it and it will look like it’s waving.

Works now :slight_smile:


Check this one out!


Makes it seem like your hand is shifting shape or something is moving inside it. Strange.

Wow that is sooo cool! thanks for sharing