3ds Max gets a slap in the face

I agree 100% on the housecleaning. Max is bloated to the gills with legacy shit. This has been discussed so many times on the beta forums, but there are always people;e complaining that they might need this or that legacy feature some day…

TP is actually a 3rd-party plugin. You might be thinking of Pflow - which is Max’s native particle toolset(but also a bolted on plugin)

The Ribbon(old Polyboost plugin which is over 10 years old) has been a complete disaster and they’re looking to remove/rework it from scratch. Max is only now getting over the nightnmares that were introduced around the time of the Ribbon in 2012. Some great tools, even if a bit dated now, but so badly implemented with that hellish Ribbon. I’m 100% sure it was designed by corporate programmers with zero artistic ability or experience in 3D modeling.

Arnold, however, is perfectly integrated into Max now.

Cebas has established some great products. finalRender was the first ever GI renderer for 3ds Max. It initiated a new level of rendering realism in a time when there was only the Scanline renderer and Lightscape, a radiosity renderer that relied on mesh tesselation for bounced light.

I also loved finalToon.

I clearly remember the Max years before the ribbon was introduced. When the ribbon was added, I thought it made the Max UI more cluttered in stead of more efficient. But as time progressed I got used to it.

Well, we did have the Raytrace map for Scanline :grin:(which was based on Brazil) and I remember being amazed when ‘Advanced Lighting’ was introduced in Max 5(I think) Incidentally it’s STILL there in the Scanline Renderer. Yes, the legacy bloat of Max is eventually going to burst.

It was part of the disastrous ‘XBR’ initiative that Max is only now recovering from. I was a Polyboost user before it was integrated and the UI/UX was so much more efficient. There are such great tools in the Ribbon, but so badly arranged in that monstrosity of a UI.

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Raytrace Map, Brazil, Advanced Lighting, Polyboost… You’re getting me all sentimental here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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But not sentimental enough that you are thinking of switching back? :rofl:

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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I would actually be interested in retrying Max if the price was sympathetic in stead of disproportional. I’m sure a lot of Max muscle memory would return once I’d be working with the UI again for a while.

Speaking of software muscle memory: in a distant past I used to create pixel graphics for commercial games using Deluxe Paint (DPaint) on the Amiga for about ten years, and recently I’ve picked up Pro Motion again, which is DPaint on steroids for Windows. Pro Motion has the same keyboard shortcuts as DPaint, and I’m still familiar with those, even after not using DPaint for about 20 years.

I switched to Blender a while before you did, but lately had the ‘opportunity’ to reacquaint myself with Max. Good God, it was traumatic. Don’t do it. You’ll ruin your good memories.


I used to use STOS for the same on the Atari ST…I don’t think it had any hotkeys…:laughing:

NEVER going to happen. The greedy corporate pig that is Adesk will continue to rape and pillage its customers until there is nothing but bones. They do not care about us. Just look at their recent(illegal) move to sever activation for already owned perpetual licences.

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I guess you’re right. It doesn’t really matter to me anyway, because I’ve become too much of a Blender aficionado during the past years.

Every now and then I thoroughly check out the potential of Blender’s competition, such as Cinema 4D, Modo and Houdini, but I always find myself concluding “That’s also possible in Blender”, “That’s easier in Blender” and “I’m missing Blender function x”.

The only other 3D creation tool I still can’t live without is ZBrush, but as time progresses the amount of ZBrush tools I still need to use decreases. I’m eagerly awaiting the Blender release of QuadRemesher. Along with some other sculpting add-ons it might cause me not to leave Blender for ZBrush anymore.

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I’m the same. Been on ZB since R1.52b :grin: I’ve been testing the Quadremesher beta in Max. It is good. It’s essentially Zremesher 3.0 in Max/Maya(same dev) He will port it to Blender as soon as the Max/Maya/Houdini builds are released.

Also, I haven’t bothered with sculpting in Blender, but the Pablo Dobarro branch has piqued my interest. He is doing great work. It would be amazing if Blender’s sculpting tools began to catch up with ZB. To have that power and functionality directly in a full-fledged 3D program would be unprecedented in the industry.


Yeah, I am REALLY looking forward to Pablo being a full-time paid blender developer. He is a beast.


Yes, same here. A couple of months ago I had to go back to Max because the customer only had Max files and it was terrible.

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You forgot to mention Fast Undo system and working subdivision modifiers…

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I just tried a simple example: apply 3 array modifiers to the default cube to produce 20×20×20 repeats in the X, Y and Z directions, apply the modifiers, go into Edit mode, select all and separate by loose parts --that took about 5 minutes, and used about 200% CPU.

So now I have an array of 8000 separate cubes. And the viewport is responding fine. I can zoom, rotate, select one cube, go in and out of edit mode, select vertices – it’s all responding quite smoothly on my far-from-the-latest Core i7 machine with Intel graphics.

Anything else I should try?

Cute test, but a far cry from what would be considered a production scene.


Agreed, the Blender devs. need detailed feedback from people who are trying to push Blender with large, detailed scenes containing gigabytes of geometry, millions of particles/instances, and other data. Simple stress tests with cubes cannot be considered a useful measure of where Blender is weak and which areas need more development.

Many of the devs. do not do much in terms of creating art, so they need artists to show them where more work is needed.


Yep, try a real scene! Sadly clients are most times not in need of beautifully rendered simple default cubes😁
Not just objects with only 6faces each object and you will see✌️

The only information I was given was “thousands of objects”. Again: anything else I should try? Just offering hand-waving arguments isn’t good enough.

That’s the thing. You seem to get a kick out of digging up every. old. thread and comment that you can poke holes in, argue and make snarky little comments. I’ll hand wave all day long to someone that doesn’t want to have an intelligent conversation. Not that dave62 needed defending, but every thread I visit, there’s Ido arguing with everyone. It’s annoying.

And further, if you’re going to pick at someone’s comment that was addressed to another person, you should know the subject material and context. Hiding behind “but I wasn’t given all the information!” doesn’t work here.

And that’ll be the end of it, because I’m not going to play this game. :slight_smile: