Day 22 - Behold, a head
Perspective on the left (vertical), ortho on the right( square-ish). Thanks again @stray for the reminder to use top view

Wireframe in ortho side/front view:
It looks pretty good, but I feel like there's *something* slightly off with the proportions that I just can't put my finger on. If anyone has any suggestions, please share them :) Here's the current file:pmh_01.fbx (312.0 KB)
Ears? Animation?
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The ears aren’t correctly detailed. I don’t intend them to be, as I have no use for realistic ears. The type of ears I’m interested in are almost entirely line art:
and these ears give me enough to go off for that.
This has excellent topology for animation - a combination of Dikko’s guidance (he never misses!) and my own experience. I haven’t done much deformation testing yet, but I don’t really need to- I know what good topology for animation is, even if I’m not always great at making it
New things I learned
I tried out face sets for the first time in sculpting, to be able to freely manipulate the ears separate from the head. Face sets are awesome, I’ll for sure be using them again.
What’s next? (A body)
The neck is really a placeholder, the number of loops is all wrong. I’m torn between using a poly-modeled body I’ve made already or getting the practice I need and actually making the body (I typed “mody” several times before my brain could process the distinction between “model” and “body”)- heck, who am I kidding, I need the practice. Poly-modeling it is Making a body is surprisingly faster than making a head, so that should in theory only take two days.
Personal progress
This is already my fastest poly modeled head ever- by a lot. I aim for 20% faster and 10% better each time I do this, and I broke the 20% faster by several days. 10% better? I personally think so My last poly-modeled head was this one: Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) 🦇 which had significantly worse topology and took me… the better part of a week and a half to do, IIRC.
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Half Xenoblade Chronicles - I don’t listen to a specific game at a time, I just have a Xenoblade Chronicles soundtrack- and the other half, the same with Fire Emblem
Minor update: cheek tweak
cheek tweak?
Per my wife’s suggestions, I’ve tweaked the cheeks and upper lip a bit. She’s possibly even more familiar with the underlying structure of the face than me as a makeup artist, and I think she was right here. A head like this takes an absurd amount of tweaking. These changes are reflected in the most recent FBX, which I’ve updated, but not in the earlier screenshots.