a city level

You can turn on and set scene AA via the Nvidia control panel in Windows and Linux. I guess there might be something similar for Macs and ATI users?

Amazing as usual. How about a 2000 page tutorial?

Just seen the video. Very impressive. Did I see a Fresnel effect on the car?

Great advert for the game engine

Did you use a modular design in construction of all the buildings. It looks so. If so smart man! Like I need to tell you that.

Good work so far. I am a huge fan of level design. I will keen an eye out for more.

Some new shots.
Garbage containers by squarewave (deynord)


stunning. Only complaint would be the graffiti, it looks like stickers.


Awesome job!

Okay, i was considering thinking about gettin into the game engine, skipped the thinking about it part and this convinced me, awesome work

Yeah man, These shots are AMAZING, but the graffiti looks weak. Try setting the layer to multiply, i think. Other than that, no complaints! It looks amazing! Are you using any normal maps? Are you on an Apricot build?

That is a fine looking city Endi.
If you get the chance, I would love to take a look at your .blend file and learn something about your techniques for lighting and materials (and well, everything else).

Good job Endi, very impressive as usual.

One thing that really stands out on the wall texture is the graffiti.
Even if it is painted on, it should at least follow the bumps of the wall, not be completely flat.

wo0oOo0ow Wonderfull ! Just sooo cool!

Darn, you’ve really out done yourself, that’s actually done on bge, unbelievable

If the ge comp is on best graphics this is #1 =D no competition. I think the graffiti may look like that because it’s not in the actual GE. I think this is just a screen from the 3d view.

:eek:It’s great!!!
but i agree, the graffitis looks a bit like stickers. :o

sweet stuff as usual endi :smiley:

one question, how did you get that atmospheric perspective?

i try and use mist…but then i cant see the skybox…

I’ll see if I can download the video tomorrow and mirror it.
I hope you’ll use the mirror wisely, endi. :slight_smile:

- AniCator

The images don’t look as good as the avi. Really amazing work.

Thats looks insperational bro !!!
Great work !

I have new server now. Please test the download speed.