A Linux specific distro for blender?

He helped found the FOSS movement, and contributed to a lot of code over the years, but a lot of the GNU aspects of Linux, like Gnome, KDE, Pulseaudio, etc. etc., were all created by other people.

This is going to sound snarky but I’m genuinely trying to understand: you’re ok using software distributed under a license that Stallman (and others) wrote, but don’t want to use an operating system written and maintained by a completely different group of people because it contains some code he (and others) also wrote? In your eyes, what’s the difference? Will you stop using software compiled by GCC? It just doesn’t fully track for me.

So I guess you’ll be abandoning Blender, too, then, since it uses the GPL license.

The Linux ecosystem was created over many years by thousands of people. Linus Torvalds merely struck the first match, then gave it away. The core technology of all Apple operating systems – the Darwin operating system, the WebKit renderer, and many other things, is also open source. The gcc compiler suite is probably the most widely-used compiler in the world. No one can claim singular credit for any of it – and that is precisely the point. "Cooperative software development" – a.k.a. “open source” – turned out to be the best way to overcome the prodigious cost of developing computer software: “a rising tide lifts all boats.” :sailboat:

All of the goodies that we have today – not just Blender – are in our hands due to this revolutionary concept, and the legally-enforceable, court-tested copyright licenses which make it possible. “No one could have done all of this by themselves,” but "everybody could."

man,the last word for modify the linux kernel belong to linus torvalds. he should approve your contrib or you worked for nothing.

Yes, today Linus works as a sometimes-autocratic but still very effective project manager over the “kernel” area of the system.

yeah,so called “good dictator” :smiley:

You could also use BSD if you are not into Linus holding the “kernel” keys type of thing, but I’m not sure how far they are when it comes to hardware/software compatibility.

As for me personally, I’m using Manjaro right now, simply for the “rolling release” model, it comes with it’s own headaches, but it’s just a matter of getting used to.

oh no man. I love linus. You know,when I graduated in psychology, i wrote a thesis entitled “sigmund freud and linus torvalds two personalities to compare, how i enjoyed myself creating psychoanalysis” :smiley:

Of course, Apple decided to build their entire system on top of Mach® – which has nothing at all to do with Linux® and which, I believe, is “BSD licensed.” Lo and behold, they seem to be doing just fine. :+1:

It’s nice to see that Apple is returning the favour, since they profited so much from the code gifted to them. Recently they have been very generous with fixing and improving the BSD code base. Interestingly, Xcode is based on GCC, which is GPL licensed.

What about a Blender-specific distro for Linux?

As Blender does not rely on third party libraries like GTK or KDE to draw its UI, includes its own Python run-time with the binary, any current distro with the desktop environment of your choice will cut the mustard, unless you want to build your own binaries from source. Your GPU choice will probably have a larger impact running Linux, if Intel, not an issue, if AMD not so much of an issue but note there are several distros that include the latest Nvidia binary driver blob in their install ISO, for example Pop! OS 20.10 has a download link specifically for Nvidia cards. That said, most major distros have instructions to install the latest Nvidia drivers, but do not include them in their installers because of proprietary licensing. I have always used the standalone executables that the Blender site provides in .zip format and create a .config folder for each version I use, of which there are several including the LTS version. I use Gnome and Dash to Dock and install MenuLibre to create .desktop files for my DE. I generally run Blender fullscreen and try to stay there…