A new OS specifically designed for blender

Can you easily log in as root so you have full control of even your windows partitions?

yep its as easy to log in as root as any linux system, of course you still need to use the sudo command for modifying root files

Yeah, to me that’s not easy enough, but oh well, hahaha. I needed to access my windows partition from OpenSUSE, but couldn’t because I couldn’t log in as root. It didn’t create an account like for example windows, that has an administrator you can easily log in as. It has to be that simple, imo. Otherwise systems all over the world will crash, LOL, but I think that’s just me.

I just checked, And no I dont need to use sudo to look into the windows partition xD
good news eh XD

BlenderBuntu is now of facebook everyone, I will start adding updates on there once its got some followers, to get to it just go to www.blenderbuntu.com and along the top of the site you will see the facebook icon, click it to be sent straight there (you can also use the search bar on facebook)

Gave you a like there (^^,)!

I never had an issue viewing my windows files. OpenSUSE always gave access, but I could never write to those partitions and that’s what sucked about not being able to (user-friendly, GUI, extremely simple and easy) log in as root.
So it’s great that you’re a step ahead of the rest (as it seems), but the file permissions thing is the kiss of death for linux in my case.

blenderbuntu.com doesnt exist?
which hoster will you use (instead of weebly)?
(I also have here enough webspace - 24/25 gb currently free)

I would absolutely warn against registering any domain with *buntu in it as Ubuntu has that trademarked - they can force a shutdown at any time. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s because it’s:

You had me going there for a second, though I don’t think it’s what you meant.
Did you mean that the URL is still unclaimed?

ah that would be bad, I better make a backup of the site just in case, at least then If i absolutely have to I can change to a different domain name and upload the site back to that without having to rebuild the whole thing :slight_smile:

haha, wondered if that would fool ya, yeah its registered under *weebly.com, once i get some more money coming in (hopefully I can make some) I will get a .com domain :slight_smile:


Chances are slim to none that they try to shut down a subdomain without contacting you first, but when registering a domainname they actually might. And note, this only applies for Linux distros. I myself had domains for Ubuntu related news with ubuntu in the domainname and that wasn’t a problem, it’s when distros call themself *buntu without official support Canonical can get a bit cranky.

And backing up your website regularly is always a good idea anyway. ;D

oh which reminds me, Screenshots of blenderBuntu in action are now available from the website. www.blenderbuntu.weebly.com/gallery

well hopefully they wont mind, they do say on there website that they encourage others to build custom distro’s from there base, I guess its just a matter of whether or not they will allow it or not, if not I have another name in mind that I use, I just dont want to have to change names when the OS and site are already up and running as that will cause allot of headaches lol


It’s all/only about the *buntu name thingie. What they want is that people do ‘remixes’, so they would like you to call it ‘Ubuntu Blender Remix’… It’s all documented at http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy

That’s interesting! Not opposed to the project, just the name’s structure. Little nitpicky, but if that’s their conditions…

Them, not you.

Well, as I was top dog for the Swedish Ubuntu LoCo for a while, I had to learn all this crap. And though Ubuntu and Canonical are usually very nice, Canonical is still a commercial entity and they do own the trademarked Ubuntu name and logo - and sometimes they show their teeth just to make that clear.

Well thats … bad. Isnt open suse / novell much more friendly? Open source and commercial - well thats not good for custom distris


Thankfully I’ve never used Ubuntu and now I don’t want to, lol.

Hehe, but Novell is as commercial as Canonical. ;D

And this is only about the *buntu name use, nothing else.

There are commercial companies behind many distros. And I find the general view very weird - unless you live in North Korea and everybody is equal in their pain and misery. I mean, don’t you pay rent?

well suse, dont they have better rules? Or are all commercial distributors like ubuntu and sue you or make any problems if you use a part of the name in your distri?

Sure, the paid support is great but also there is the great community always …

Haha, nope, no North Korea in South Africa, hahaha. I understand a commercial company being behind OpenSource, I mean Oracle was behind OpenOffice for a while and now it’s Apache, but what I find problematic is the “MINE and you can’t have any” attitude of many projects.