A Script to Skin a Point Cloud (for Blender 2.6x or Later)

I updated the script and uploaded there. Does this work for you all?

Yes, seems to work well, thank you very much for this script!

It shows up in the User Preferences window but I cant enable the addon (square stays unticked). Blender 2.64.0 (r51232).

Error it throws:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/2.64/scripts/modules/addon_utils.py”, line 264, in enable
mod = import(module_name)
ImportError: No module named PointCloudSkinner (v17, t26) for Blender 2.63-later

Thank you for the information on error.
What if we rename the script file to a non-space non-symbol name such as “PointCloudSkinner (v17, t26) for Blender 2.63-later.py” to “PointCloudSkinner_t26.py”?

Removing spaces solves the problem, thanx. Your point clouds skins beautifully :slight_smile:

I wish I could say the same, but unfortunately the script fails to activate even when removing the spaces. Is it incompatible with the official 2.64?

Got this:
{‘MadeFaces’: 0, ‘Warnings’: {‘NZ3’: 0, ‘NZ2’: 0, ‘NZ1’: 0}, ‘TargetVerts’: 0, ‘TooSmallVertsAngles’: 0, ‘FewVertsCases’: 0, ‘ErrorLine’: [], ‘FullFacesCases’:
0, ‘ModifiedTriangles’: 0, ‘TooLargeVertsAngles’: 0, ‘Errors’: 0}
(If you have trouble, please send this log to the developer.)

but now face at al generated

Strangely, it now seem to work in the official 2.65. Though I only have three small remarks:

  • If not in Object Mode while using the script, it generates an error message.
  • The script only works if all the vertecies are selected, whilst at the same time being in Object Mode.
  • The object at hand must be named “Plane”.

Other than that, it’s a pretty solid addon. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be very useful for three-dimensional objects, but there’s definitely room for improvement here. Good work, Hans! =)

Been looking for something just like this! Will try out and give feedback.

EDIT: I get:

TypeError: list indices must be integers, not NoneType

Using a sparse pointcloud from a scan, so there is a bit of noise…


on Blender 2.66 i get this error: Property: bpy.context.scene.CONFIG_PointCloudSkinner.dist_for_skin = 3Property: bpy.context.scene.CONFIG_PointCloudSkinner.dist_for_skin = 2
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 1541, in execute
SkinVerts() # main function of skinning
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 127, in SkinVerts
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 1134, in import_from_mesh
for face in mesh.faces:
AttributeError: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute ‘faces’

location: <unknown location>:-1

Info: See OperatorList.txt textblock
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 1541, in execute
SkinVerts() # main function of skinning
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 127, in SkinVerts
File “/Users/Prib_MBPro/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.66/scripts/addons/Point_Cloud_Skinner.py”, line 1134, in import_from_mesh
for face in mesh.faces:
AttributeError: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute ‘faces’

location: <unknown location>:-1

any ideas?


Sorry for being long time no post.


Thank you for the error information.
I guess Blender has changed its API of faces. I’ll try to fix it this week.


Thank you for your comment. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I agree it needs more improvement. Skinning 3D objects needs more tuning of your parameter settings and there is a limitation with this script.


Thank you for your comment. There remains a bit of noise. Some of those are the bugs of the script known years ago. It might be helpful if you cut out a very small point cloud which represents the bugs and send me back on this thread. I’m afraid that I don’t have enough time to fix them, but it will be a good source to find the reason of the failures.

Please Help Me to Improve the Script…

There can remain some noise on the skinned point could after using this script. Some of those are the bugs of the script known for years, but I’m still not so sure what the cause is. Therefore, it is quite helpful if you cut into a very small point cloud which reproduces the bugs and send me back on this thread. I’m afraid that I don’t have enough time to fix them quickly, but it will be a good source to find the reason of the failures if I get several patterns. :slight_smile:

Hans, Vielen Dank fĂźr schnelle RĂźckmeldung! Thank you for the fast respond!

Quick update.
I confirmed it works on Blender 2.66a.
Please download from here.

PointCloudSkinner for Blender 2.6x.zip
(It is being developed in SourceForge.net)

HI Hans,

i got this error message:

This case is uncertain, not implemented yet. (Err:200901111206)

Around 870000 Vertices … :slight_smile:
Its a terrain model.


all the best,

I hope to make a laser 3D scanner in near future, so being able to work with point clouds inside Blender sounds great!
It seems the script crashes if there are vertex colors.
It’d be great to be able to maintain vertex colors if they are set. Not yet sure it is possible for bare vertices though.

This plugin does the job pretty well (blender 2.69) on small amount of point. I found useful to use it also in those situation when you have holes in the mesh and you need a quick way to fill it.
Unfortunatly when there are many vertex it takes a long time or never finish I think needs some sort of spatial optimization

blender does not support colors for only vertices…