[Add-on] Quick Tools - Fast Menus and Macros

Hi everyone,

I’ve been wanting to learn python for sometime now and so I’m finally diving in. Aside from a few little scripts here and there, I’ve been working on a larger add-on package that incorporates a lot of things to speed up my workflow.

Quick Tools (previously known as JayTools)
This add-on provides a menu, toolbar, and hotkeys for speeding up the workflow based on your current working mode.

Each of the items and tools and chosen based on my own workflow, such that I’m adding them as I find something that drastically speeds up my common tasks.

You can download the latest release and find the complete documentation here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/quicktools

Please report bugs on Github

Note: each menu uses the same hotkey, but any of these can be changed in User Preferences > Input > 3D View > Object/Sculpt/Edit.

Object Mode (hotkey Q)

The object mode menu (and toolbar) is mostly dedicated to modifiers. Each of the modifier entries will create the modifier with preferred settings already set. e.g. for Add Subsurf, it sets the level to 2 and enables Optimal Display.

Most of these are pretty self explanatory, except the Add Target and Add Mirror. This is used for creating a target object for the mirror modifier. It does one of three things:

  • If nothing is selected, Add Target will create an Empty at the cursor location.
  • If a object with a mirror modifier is selected, Add Target will create an Empty at the cursor location and assign it to the Mirror Object field
  • If an empty and an object with no mirror modifier are selected, Add Mirror will add a Mirror modifier to the object and assign the Empty to the Mirror Object ​field.

Edit Mode (hotkey Q)

Most of these are self explanatory. The only one to be aware of is that Add Bsurface requires that the BSurfaces add-on be enabled (it is included with Blender).

Sculpt Mode (hotkey Q)

Again, these should be quite simple. The main thing to note is that JayTools auto-creates hotkeys for toggling XYZ symmetry during sculpting. You can change these from User Preferences > Input > 3D View > Sculpt

For a tutorial on the usage of Quick Tools check out my tutorial on Blender Cookie: ​http://cgcookie.com/blender/2013/05/14/using-the-quick-tools-add-on/

i like this mate, now try making four expanding menus when you press space like maya.

@JonathanW Wow… A reply from one of my blender heroes :slight_smile:
You are right and I had forgotten about that (I’m on a macbook pro myself) as I’ve disabled them (meaning that I need to press the fn key to use them)…

hmmm… I’m guessing you are referring to the difference of using subdivision and the subsurf modifier or I’m I confused here. For me the ctrl + # still work in sculpt mode…

EvilTesla, I’m not sure, they don’t on my MacBook Pro with or without the FN key. I have workspace switching enabled, so that’s probably why.

Either way, I like having them so close on the Q key :slight_smile:

I see… Never used it so I wouldn’t know about that.
It seems to me that maybe there could be some work done about the hotkey assignment in the preferences as it seems to be first things most users wants to change when they get into scripting (about which your tutorial definitely was watched and appreciated by the way http://cgcookie.com/blender/2012/09/30/blender-tweak-interface-scripting/ )

Personally I’d prefer a per key view instead with maybe a tick box or two for hiding and showing some of the more extravagant of short cuts… But in the end I’m guessing if we all went with a custom layout it would be hell following tutorials…

It would be nice to access the boolean addon from the sculpt through this. Very nice work, thank you for sharing :smiley:

By the way… I got this trying to download the zip…

ERRORArtifactFile: Invalid ArtifactFile ID

Ah a new version. Very nice Jonathon. Been using .4 for a while now. Very handy. And also the download link isn’t working. Got this error message as well: ERRORArtifactFile: Invalid ArtifactFile ID

Thanks for the heads up, the link is fixed now!

I’m thinking the same thing and will probably combine them very soon.

Sweet! Always had same problem with number keys on my mac. It’ll be nice to subsurface so easily! Thank you Mr. Williamson.

Super! Leeched and installed… And I’ll be Q-ing all day long…

supercool thankyou!

Updated the first post with the newest version and a tutorial on using the add-on.

Just pushed out version 0.7 with a couple changes.

Object Mode:

  • Delete Grease: to easily delete the current grease pencil frame
  • Object Display Options submenu: allows easy toggle of Double Sided and solid wireframe

Sculpt Mode:

  • Sculpt Display Options submenu: allows easy toggle of Double Sided for increased performance

Edit Mode:

  • Delete Grease: same as in object mode.

Jonathan, do you foresee a problem after PieMenu’s arrive in 2.68 in that some new users are going to find a conflict between what Q key does in PieMenu’s and your choice to use Q?

The pie menu implementation that’s coming won’t necessarily use the Q key. If it does the key will be changeable, just as it is with Quick Tools right now. You cans et the key to whatever you wish.

Thanks Jonathan! I’ve been using this addon for several days now and it’s a great addition to my workflow.

Good to hear! Is there anything you find yourself wanting added? Or is there anything in the menu that you never use?

Hey Jonathan, the wiki still points to v0.6.

The only thing I can think of to add at this point is “Remove Doubles” since there isn’t a shortcut key for that (for me anyway). Not a big deal.