[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Unfortunately, my algorithm does not work with open loop. Only Closed loop.

Ok. Ilya, no problem! Your add-on is great even as it is now! Just keep the idea in mind… maybe you will find a different solution (a different algorithm) in the future and add it to ‘bevel after boolean’. : - )

Here is a result of trying to texture an object built by the add-on in Substance painter (it is unfolded with Blender’s ‘smart uv projection’). As it is evident it is possible to have excellent results not only by procedural shading but by uv texturing too on the objects produced with it!

Thank you so very much for your hard work on this addon, it works great for adding the prongs to my jewelry. I will donate when the option becomes available for sure!

A new version:
Fix Custom Edge and Custom Bevel
Added Symmetrize (Standard does not work with Custom Normals)

If there are any wishes and requests, write.


boolean_bevel_v_0_0_8.py.zip (8.08 KB)

Привет. Я все время получаю такую фигню…
Hi. I always get such a result…

Вы используете Carve ? Какая версия плагина. Можете поподробней описать ваши действия.

Do you use Carve? What version of the plugin. You can describe your actions in more detail.

Darcvizer, in the addon look first in Curve view, if it is chaos then try some simplify values.

yes carve, version 0.7
Иногда он работает нормально но стоит изменить 1 из параметров то всю ломается. Еще он работает через раз…

Sometimes it works fine but it’s worth changing 1 of the parameters then everything breaks. He also works through time …

Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B44RnfYzKt3cODN4Mmlhaml4TE0/view?usp=drivesdk

К моему сожалению, я сейчас не могу исправить работу с Carve. Проблема возникает из-за того, что Carve каждый раз по разному отрабатывает. И я не могу выделить нужные для Bevel’а вершины (Часть из них не выделяется, из-за чего кривая рвется). На данный момент лучше использовать Bmesh.

To my regret, I can not now fix the work with Carve. The problem arises from the fact that Carve does it differently each time. And I can not select the vertices necessary for Bevel (some of them are not allocated, because of what the curve breaks). At the moment it’s better to use Bmesh.

Появилась идея. Попробую исправить работу с carve.

I have an idea. I’ll try to fix the work with carve.

Здравствуйте ! Использую boolean bevel 0.0.8. Custom edge выдает такое:

This addon is really great, it has a lot of functionality and seems to deal with most things you throw at it. Here are some odd shapes thrown together, I can’t wait to do something serious with this tool.

:eyebrowlift: Very nise

Ilya there seems to be a problem with the ‘symmetrize’. It seems that after symmetrizing the object (by the command which is in the new version of the add-on), the symmetrizing does not give a fully unified, solid object. When you go to make a boolean operation on its middle area (the symmetry axis area) there appear strange results (as the one in the image below). Have a look to it please.

OK. A little later I’ll fix it.

Thanks! : - )

Some new Doodles :

Bye Bye Moi :wink:

Some fine details…

Wow this is definately addon of the year its incredible what kinda results you can do with it.

This should come with blender for sure its no brainer :S