Add Text To Texture

I want to add text to a textured object. The object is a fence, and it has gaps between planks. I want the text to appear as painted onto the surface of the fence, but not showing in the “gaps” between the boards.

What is the best way to tackle this? Thanks in advance for any help…

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Interesting… first idea is use blender text, position on object… go ortho view render mode, render and add texture to other texture for object. may only work with flat obj.

Use project to view for round…? Hope more answer, will be trying more ideas and add.

I have been just using blender text and positing it in place. snaps could help round shape may have to convert to mesh and subdivide in some cases.

Gimp or inkscape to use there text tools with your texture.

hope more answer, would like to know more too.

I’d render it out as text and apply it as a material texture using object coords referencing an empty (for the most easy control in 3D view).

Guys, those solutions are overly complex. It’s best to just use a stencil to paint the text onto the fence in the 3D view port.

When you switch to texture paint mode, you should see tool setting in the n-panel on the right. There’s a section called texture mask. Change the mode from tiled to stencil:

Next go to the texture tab in the property editor and set the dropdown at the top to Brush Mask. Below that should be settings for which texture to use. After you’ve picked the right texture in the properties editor change the texture mask to that texture in the 3d view:

You can move the texture around by holding down alt and the right mouse button at the same time. Shift + alt + RMB resizes it and ctrl + alt + RMB rotates it. When you paint with the stencil over your object, the only areas affected are the white areas in the stencil texture. The result looks like this:

Here is the blend file if you want to look at it:
stencil.blend (774.6 KB)


Thanks, Zanzio. Looks like it’s the best approach to me…I’ll give it a try and report back!

Obviously, I should have stated…I’m using 2.79. I believe your instructions are using 2.8??

Yes, but the workflow is mostly the same in 2.79. The whole texture paint system has been around for a long time, and they haven’t revamped it yet. The only differences are that in 2.79, the tool settings are in the Toolbar, and that you scale and rotate with just shift or ctrl + RMB. You only use alt + RMB to move the stencil.

You could also try baking over a layer, texture paint and bake is very very useful if your UV map is not lined up perfect FenceMarking.blend (1.6 MB)

Thanks, zanzio and joseph_racoon. You’ve given me a lot to work on my learning curve. I’ll attempt both, just to learn.

Thanks again for the help!!