Animation Nodes

Hi, there.

with thie advice from 3pointEdit I went into some research. I didn’t find the final answer so far but I think I got a little closer to the solution of my problem.

I found out that there are many ways to determine reference levels for audio transmission systems. But if this is found or defined you should have to use it and anything is fine.
To find a reason why I can’t use a fixed reference level to convert Evaluate Sound Node values to dB values I investigated several sound spectrums an checked out the neccessary normalization factor because I think the problem could have something to do with the spectral distribution of the sound.

So could anyone tell me how the average in Animation Nodes baking is calculated or at which part of the objects I can look for it? With a rather poor knowledge of the AN structures I couldn’t find a specific point so far.
***Here are the factors that are required to normalize a 0dB signal to a 0dB output.

The first spectrum (three fundamentals per octave) requires a factor of 0.34295 (approx. -9dB)
The second spectrum (one 1kHz sinewave) requires a factor of 1.27701 (approx. 2dB)
The third spectrum (pink noise) requires a factor of 0.3370 (approx. -10dB)


just wanted to say amazing addon… i still dont get lots of stuff, but i will figure it out… :slight_smile:

I feel we need a forum just for AN, with tutorials, development, examples and such :slight_smile:

i second the motion

Well the Discord might have a solution for you soon :wink:

Loving the addon, and I’ve worked through a few tutorials, but right now I’m trying to build a cube from 27 smaller cubes. So at the moment I’m using the grid mesh to make a 3x3 layer, but I can’t figure out how to repeat that 3 times to make 3 layers. I’m sure this is very simple and being shown it will hopefully teach me a fundamental principle of AN

I understand you are using a Distribute Matrices node with the grid mode selected. If you select X-Divisions:3 and Y-Divisions:3 then also select Z-Divisions:3 and you have the cube out of 3x3x3 = 27 cubes.

Hah I Wish I’d done it like that! I was generating a mesh grid then distributing 9 cubes onto that initially, so to make a cube I used maths to plot the 27 points out manually:

I’m going to look at the distribute matrices node and see if I can use it to clear out all that spaghetti :slight_smile:

Well it definitely will. Four nodes should do it:).

Going the hard way creates experience and somtimes you need complex node trees.
In this case you fortunately don’t.

Hello, I am trying to get Animation Nodes working on a nightly build from on Windows.

It does not let me use the usual AN 2.0 because that is python 3,5,3 and it needs 3,6,3. I tried the 3,6,3 build from which installs and works, but it is throwing exception error on invoking a subprogram I am trying to use. If I revert to the 2.79 release and use 2.0 3,5,3, it all works fine. But then I do not have access to the Cycles Bevel node, which i need for my project.

Is there a newer 3,6,3 build? Or any suggestion as to how I should go about troubleshooting this?


UPDATE: A couple questions

  1. When generating splines from edges, what’s the best option to join the spline segments together? I don’t mind converting them to mesh, but I need some way to remove doubles so that my splines aren’t segmented when I add a bevel object.

  2. When using Hair splines, is there a way to use Child hair splines?

EDIT: Removed some questions that were answered here

Okay another question - I’m using the offset matrix node in order to shift a load of cubes up in the z axis, and then a falloff node to gradually drop them in, but currently the node is shifting them all up by the same amount, where what I want is for each cube to have a slightly random starting point. I did think about using a random vector node, using the object ID key to change the seed amount, but I can’t figure out how to get individual object ID keys out of the ID key Node, which just outputs a list ‘numbers’…

Aha! I clicked the ‘list’ button and then used the ‘get length’ from the object ID keys node in order to generate enough random numbers.

A couple of other questions

  1. Is it possible to get/assign materials non the fly?

  2. is it possible to do mesh boolean operations?

Thanks in advance.

I got the bug where if I accidentally add sverchok node to AN node tree, it stops updating. Execute the tree button doesn’t help.

Does someone had a simillar problem? Is there any way around this.

Hi all, I’m pretty terrible with AN so far. But trying to get it to an acceptable level. I’m trying to apply the same effect as you see here below to a bezier circle, I’ve been trying a fair amount of time now without succes :frowning:

I want to be able to animate the height of the arcs.

Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this?

RayVelcoro I guess there are many ways to do that, here’s one of them
sampled the circle points from a bezier and made a list for the alternating z values

edit: a couple of files here

Ty very much! The idea that I would never came up with this (or any other) node configuration is absolutely not encouraging for me. I guess it’s because of my poor math knowledge I will never get my arms around it :frowning:

I managed to get it working with ur AN WWW01.blend because I don’t want it to increase the z value from its z-origin, in other words, I want half of the handles to stay in position. I can do that by keyframing the lowest value input of the Create Float List node.

I do have one more question, Can i somehow add the Evaluate Interpolation node to that keyframed value of the Create Float List?

AN lacks a simple circle generator, there an example in manual that shows how to program such a node
if you want to animate the arcs you could use the new falloffs system, it’s great, added a blend to the zip file
just don’t give up, the addon is easier to understand now and the documentation is pretty good also

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I’m not sure if I understand correctly what you mean by that, but that 5th file u added is a lot more I was looking for. Now I can at least give the keyframed movement of the emtpy some interpolation in the graph editor. It is absolutely working for me. Thanks again for helping me understand.

Yet another ‘problem’ i came across what I’ve been trying to solve the past several hours without any luck. with the simple node setup (times 4) I generated a round path of ‘stones’ as you can see here below. Now I would like to rotate two rows a few degrees so they align like a ‘normal path of bricks’. All nodes I’ve tried so far (mostly) rotated the stones individual. Is this possible in AN?

maybe you could add a ‘transform matrix’ node after the ‘distribute matrices’ one, and feed it with a ‘rotation matrix’
but having 4 copies of your setup is not the best, you should try to use subprograms in that situation

btw that ‘distribute matrices’ generator is useful for your previous example, just decompose it to get the vectors for your spline

I figured that out when I saw your last example. Got that working now. Very happy with that. I’ve seen some tutorials which subprograms, I’m a bit familiar with it, but i’m afraid its a bridge too far for me to compose a set-up out of the blue. Thanks a lot for your tip regarding the rotation-issue. G̶o̶n̶n̶a̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶.̶ It works! I’m almost positive I tried this configuration as well without succes, but i must be mistaking. Thanks for all the input you gave me. Now back to the project!