[Addon] EWOCprojects presents StraightenPlus

works great!

thank you very much mr coding robot!

hey paleajed,
i have some new idea:

Would it be possible to resctrict the straighten-operation to some specific axis?
eg: Like straighten in topview wouldnt affect the z-values of the vertices.

cheers dave

hi dave

Good idea you have there once again! I have just implememted it. Question: should this work in both persp and orthogonal mode: this could be confusing in perspective mode since it seems the line doesnt straighten all the way because of the perspective effect on the non-functional axis. But then people might not like switching modes…

I love it when people throw me these interesting feature requests, thx dave! We just got a little better.

Nothing to thank, -love your fast progress.
Great work again!

Thank You!!

I am testing your new options:
Axis restrictions only work in standard-views (top/bottom, left/right, front/rear). I think it would be much more useful if the axis restriction is simply viewport depending: Just the axis you didnt see (normal to your screen) isnt affected. For precise stuff it would be soome cool workflow ->Selecting some face and hit shift+numpad7 to orient the viewport to face normal. Now i can straighten out geo in desired axis! The functionality for standard axis like now wouldnt change.
Working in both modes (ortho/perspective) is fine and not confusing to me)
To make the restrictions work in all custom views there must be some option to be activated then.

Some bugs i found:
-The axis restriction doesnt work in quad view atm
-The axis restriction only seems to work flawless in topview.
(some strange things: Axis restriction seems to work in the beginning but when you confirm to finish the operation it doesnt.

I made some Testfile: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/16438

Win7-64/ r60280

OK dave:

  • theres a “restrict axis” toggle now that switches between full straighten and restrict to view
  • quad view works
  • and the rest does too (I hope)


VERY Nice:)
One little thing, your script seems to flip geo when editing from backside (normals).
Look at screenshot to reproduce:

I will make further tests after lunch.

BTW i have some big hardware project and maybe you are “the man” i need.
Later i will share details with you…

Thanks a lot so far:)

Possible fix online.

No, not that one, this one! Download on site.

:confused:i already wondered what happend…

NOW it seems to work in every situation (as far as i have tested)

Thank you very much!

I will pm you because of my mentioned project.

cheers dave

And you thanks for testing. I like these small situations in which I get to finetune an addon together with some motivated user!

And wondering about your project too…

I sent you a pm;)

There are a lot of good plugins made by you guys at EWOC. Is was wondering if you guys could merge them all into one. My idea is the there is a tab for EWOC TOOLS just like there is for Edge tools or loop tools under the W menu. Is that possible/doable.

This came up earlier, amongst others meta-androcto wanted to get all EWOC tools together, as far we didnt. Ill look into it again.

yes it will be nice to have Ewoc tools in “W” key menu.

Theres a tools collection zip at http://www.ewocprojects.be/scripts.html

Its got most addons accessible through Mesh Tools and W-key!

Thank you I missed the collection download. I have another question. Im using F3 key a lot (Repeat History) but your tools ignoring history function. Is it just on my side or there is some reason why your tools cannot be called from the Repeat History popup?

My addons are designed in such a way that they indeed do not use repeat history. Fixing this would take some time. Anyone else want this?

I have issue to activate axis or change amount of straightening. when I click on the check-box or the value area, the tool takes the left button click as a confirm and execute the tool. is there any other way to activate those functions?

EDIT: I found the issue. If you have in user preferences enabled Region Overlap, you will be not able to change any option in the tool menu.

Thats quite a serious issue, most probably affecting more addons also… Ill look into a fix soon.

version 0.3.0

Introducing tweaking the operation with Leftmouse.

Also code cleanup.