Manuel Bastioni Lab, turns Blender in a laboratory for 3d humanoids creation

Hi Manuel, for me that is great news. 1.6.1a sounds good to me with the improvements of auto-weight features. That was actually I was waiting for, and then noticed the huge list in the roadmap.

Been playing around with some mocap retarget for Manual Bastioni characters.
It looks like the new forum natively supports animated GIFs.


Will this include the fix for the closing Shape Key for 1 of the eyes of the female Caucasian model?


Hi Manuel,

I’ve downloaded the ZIP, and it is corrupted, I try several times. Can You please fix this?
Also is this working on newest Blender from

Regards, and thank You for Your hard work.



seriously. this has been beaten to death. if you want it on the latest builds, then you need to be a coding ninja.

if you are on windows, then you may need to right-click properties “unblock”. or use 7zip to extract and move into the addons folder.

remember to restart blender.

That was additional question. Versions 1.6.1 and 1.6.0 have corrupted ZIP file, I try download it several times on 2 machines, always the same. Version 1.5.0 are working good.

I’m modelling a child for an art project and thought I’d try out MBL but fail to find/generate models less than 18 years. Am testing build 1.6.1. (Remember using MH a few years ago and being able to model all ages). Am I missing something or is it not possible?

not possible and not planned. use makehuman for that. im guessing hes optimizing for realism, which requires limits to be set.

i just downloaded them and they look good to me. extracted fine and all the contents looks good.

i use 1.6.0

The file is online since January without problems, anyway, as double check, I just re-downloaded and checked the zip of 1.6.1 with the sha-256 code. The file is OK.


I’ve checked again, and everything is good, but yesterday there was some problems. Anyway working great!

A video preview of the improvements in proxy fitting obtained with the new weight transfer algorithm. I will release it in vers. 1.6.1a.


Looks like a huge improvement. Are the new specialized muscular male and female base meshes going to be in 1.6.1a? Approximately when will they be released? Thanks again for all the hard work.

The new specialized muscular meshes are not ready for 1.6.1a. They will be released in 1.6.2 as experimental-incomplete features (they will be available with a minimal database that will be gradually completed during the 1.6.x cycle).
Very, very approximately, the release of 1.6.2 should happen in the middle or end of summer. It’s not only matter of modelling: each new character requires a lot of work for the new rigging, new expressions, new morphings, new textures, etc… The progress status of development is available on my site, with tasks details:

Are bone names going to change?

I am working on a Houdini based tool that drives the bones of an exported Manuel Bastioni FBX character.

What do I need to look out for as far as bone name changes in the new rigging?

No. The core skeleton is a lab standard. In future I will expand it (face elements, tongue, ecc.) but my intention is to always preserve the basic structure, if possible.

EDITED: I’m assuming that you are taliking of the basic skeleton. Other complex skeletons, like the muscle-rigging based on bendy bones, will be certainly modified in future, or even replaced by better systems.

Thanks for the reply, yes, I was inquiring about the basic skeleton.

Manuel, you asked @Freodin which were the characters with the missing shapekey Expression_eyeClosedR_max. I’ve just come across this and it seems to be in F_CA01 and F_AS01 but not in F_AF01 or the m versions (as far as I have tested - not exhaustive) You might have discovered this and patched it but I’ve not noticed any posts mentioning the subject since the original one.

Will clothes made for proxy-fitting in MB 1.6.1 work in 1.6.1a with the new proxy system? We recently hired an artist and want him to make clothes. I’m wondering if I can tell him if it okay to already start, or to better wait for 1.6.1a?