[AddOn] UV_Tool

Cool! It is very very very useful. Thanks a lot for sharing this great addon.
Just wanna correct the word spelling “straithen” to “straighten”. :slight_smile:

Okay I think I understand it now, I thought I would preserv the mesh better. It does though but in a different manner. Thanks for small fast video

This is so useful!

Crashing on Blender 2.71, when I looked at the .py file in the zip archive, it was full of odd characters and the whole thing seemed corrupted. :frowning:
Possibly chinese characters are still within the script and the Ansi reader can’t handle them?

Works ok, fo me. On blender 2.72 too.
imdjs the last improvement I would love to see is maintaining overall mesh proportions. For now if I squash square mesh uv, and use yours addon, then the UV are not 'unsquashed. I think if you try eg. to calculate mesh x to y apect ratio you could possibly fix this?

new version 20141003 is released,it can keep the X Y proportion of whole mesh.

Works great. I’m not sure how others feel about this, but imo ‘XY’ and ‘vertical’ options should be removed, and set by default to true. The first thing I always do is enabling them.
Thanks for your work

Still having problems, if I try to look at the file in textpad or another editor this is what I get:-

That’s because he’s using Chinese characters throughout the whole thing.

if you want this two option aways to be enable, you can replace the False variable to the True variable in line 1372 and 1373.

When it crashes in Blender, it’s a list of those characters I get. Is there any setting in Blender for Languages I need to set to stop this?

Wüst verdien of blender are you using. ITS quote thstnitmdoes crash on your systemmwhilemits Stanley formaliteit Some time

Thanks.Sure keep updating your version. I wish more people who embrace blender or open source software would keep following its philosophy.
If I wanted to pay for plugins I’d rather use maya, 3ds max and other software like that. :smiley:
keep the good job.

Does this work in Linux? I’m using Blender 2.72 on Xubuntu 14.04, and it doesn’t seem to do anything - except that when I click on ‘Straighten’ or ‘Align’ Blender changes from ‘Edit Mode’ to ‘Object Mode’.

Pretty much the same for me, on Mint 17 KDE.

this addon only works when the use_uv_select_sync mode is off.

Ah - ok. Shame that needs to be disabled, but ty.

when you just want to select one edge on one uv island ,if the use_uv_select_sync mode is on ,another edge from other uv island belongs to these selected vertexs also will be selected,this is not I want.

if you have reason this addnon that need to be worked on the use_uv_select_sync mode ,I will make it available.

Glad to see you updated version.
Maybe raise a warning “turn off use_uv_select_sync mode” will be better.


finally I decide to make the addon available in any mode.though I think It’s unnecessary