Adobe acquires Allegorithmic

Thanks for your reply, sounds like a strong condition and commitment.

If you have an innovative product with a strong following in a unique market, why did you need to join Adobe?


Unfortunately, when a company is acquired by aother company, the outcome is always the same. They tell everyone – especially the employees – that everything will stay exactly the same. Then, three to six months down the road, they lay everybody off. An independent company pours its blood, sweat and tears into its one-or-two products, whereas the much larger acquiring company has a suite. Your product will either be phased-out entirely, if it previously competed with that suite, or it will become a fairly-small feature within it.

The employees of that company would do very well to start looking for new jobs immediately and to get out of there as quickly as they possibly can. Don’t think that the new company “needs you,” because they don’t. And you need not discover that the hard way.


You haven’t watched this movie enough times to figure out the plot by now


I posted at the same time as sundialsvc4, but there is the plot of this movie

Uh, you guys know they ban your licenses if you break their rules right? If they can link your Art Station to something like anything close to “witchcraft” or a naked human, they cut you off. Their page doesn’t say anything about that but it’s what they do in practice.


“Now, if you’re in for a new challenge, ping us — we’re hiring ;)”

I hope that’s a good sign

interesting statement of their ceo:

My money is on them folding the features into Photoshop and dropping Substance.

God i miss Macromedia Freehand.

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I did not. That is incredible. As in, I don’t believe it. Could you substantiate this with something verifiable?

“Your License may be revoked in case we find out that you use our Software in violation of law or the License, or it is being used on sites that feature defamatory, pornographic, or inflammatory content. Your License will be revoked if we find out that you are violating the License or these Terms of Use including, but not limited to, hacks and cheats for any of our Software or any other content that PILGWAY finds objectionable or unlawful.” (emphasis mine)

You can search the Internet for people posting about getting banned. Someone posted their email response from PILGWAY in 2011 about them getting banned because their work was judged to be obscene.

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Oh. Well then. That’s that for 3d-Coat. I don’t do porn, but you never know what a religious nut will find “objectionable”.


Yes, that stopped me from buying it awhile back when I tried the trial version. Read the license and decided I didn’t need somebody watching over my shoulder to decide if they needed to pull my license because of a difference in opinion on what my art is about. Screams overreach.

I’ve never read of anyone who had any problems with 3DCoat’s vision.

Bought my perpetual substance painter license on steam (and with a discount)

Won’t be able to do it twice, it seems.

I think this changed a few years back after too many people complaining about this. It was the reason I refused to buy it too.

The license you have to agree right now before installing the software does not mention anything like this!

Who needs government censorship when you have such a powerful moralist movement that everyone censors themselves, and censors everyone they have influence over? It’s the particular curse of the Western World and going through another particularly acute phase at the moment.

The effect is that people become so fearful of creating anything that may offend somebody, that they end up playing super safe, which pleases our moralitarian overlords and overladies no end.

And no amount of Constitutional safeguards, even if you live in a country that has any, is any use at all, because it’s not the government doing it.


Literally on their own forum:

I understand the creator of this software is a devout Christian, reading through his story reveals he has toned down his control over other people’s use of his software after some (well deserved) backlash to be more of a suggestion and hope along with his reasoning behind it. I understand the “rules,” and choose to respect his intentions out of my own free will.

In our case it’s relevant because the kinds of stories we are working on are of a more mature nature, explore specifically Christian spiritual concepts, and as a result actually have a propensity to include depictions of evil which could be personified as demons/depictions of witchcraft, violence, and even nudity and sex, but there is a difference between depiction and glorification of what is “evil”, and merely the use of such imagery to further a story or make a point.

And lest you think I’m a prude you should note that our “studio” which consists of my wife and myself started out with game proposals that were strictly and explicitly meant to be enjoyed as explicit pornographic pieces of work (Of the furry kind lol), even if the underlying stories have always focused on love between two people. You can still see some remnants of this kind of obvious sexuality on our website as I slowly update it with newer more mainstream things and remove the old niche stuff.

At the end of the day though it is a risk that needs to be understood with this software, I just calculated it to be less of a risk than being forced to pay for Adobe’s suite all over again, no thanks. No one can force you to their own set of morals, you have the ultimate say in the matter, and if you don’t agree with someone else’s idea of morality it is the pinnacle of respectability to refuse putting your hard earned money there, otherwise what’s the point, you know?

Who needs government censorship when you have such a powerful moralist movement that everyone censors themselves, and censors everyone they have influence over? It’s the particular curse of the Western World and going through another particularly acute phase at the moment.

This is a major problem and the only fix is for people to elevate telling the truth as being more important than having to deal with the outrage culture that has become so popular in recent memory.


So far the PhotoShop/Lightwave deal is the only $10 package Adobe has ever had. A single sub for Substance would be expected at $20. That’s $240 a year. Or you could get a perp license for $150, then buy it again the next year and save $180 over the course of 2 years.

Somehow the math for a subscription doesn’t make sense to me assuming I don’t want their extras.

One guy got banned for making a muscled crocodile guy, I heard.

So maybe the website is just out of date. Maybe I’ll try upgrading tonight and see what it says myself. I bought it awhile back but when I learned about this whole obscenity = ban thing, I dropped learning it because I didn’t want to live with that restriction regardless of not having any plans for obscene material.

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He should have thought twice before playing with powers he did not understand.

wtf, 3d coat guys are nuts.