Adobe Substance 3D modeler coming to Steam!

I am just watching this last Tuesday stream, someone asked if its coming to steam and indeed it is! So I can buy this app without the stupid subscription!!

I am in their open beta, but I didn’t really take it serious until today news, I can finally invest sometime in learning this now. I’d recommend anyone who’s remoted interested in MagicaCSG to check this app out, it’s also base off SDF under the hood. They seem to be looking into live boolean like MagicaCSG too :star_struck:

Playing around with it tonight, this shape would be extremely tough to make with MagicaCSG:


I’ve been playing with the open beta too and it is really nice. I think it has a lot of potential to cover a new niche. The workflow is fundamentally a mix of SDF + sculpting + autoretopo and autounwrap!

And yeah, all the Substance apps are on Steam with perpetual licences. Last year they confirmed their commitment to keep offering perpetual yearly licenses there, and they’ve added the new apps as the came out on Steam as well.


Do they have any autoretopo built in to the Substance modeler yet?

Exporting is broken at the moment, but here are the options:

Not sure how good the quality is since I can’t export my mesh :thinking: but I can also use Quad Remesher addon for Blender to get cleaner results.

Edit: The topology won’t matter to me, I’d probably use this app for hardsurface concept design. Of course you can always retopo the mesh if you have to create characters for animation.


Yea the tools are very basic, but them seem very strong - they seem to be actively listening to user feedback/request on their discord. Right now I am trying to model something real like the gameboy classic to get a feel for the workflow and UX.

If anyone here is using this app, feel free to post your doodles, maybe it’ll get more people to join in on the fun :joy:

Edit: got export working, the quads are good but it is a simple mesh, let me finish the model and post how it handles something more complex.

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Thanks for the reply. That looks very clean for a simple mesh, so I am interested to see more complex examples!

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@Musashidan has created this with it, and he’s very enthusiastic about VR modeling with Substance 3D Modeler. Judging by his description it’s MagicaCSG on steroids in VR. :slightly_smiling_face:


I tried Substance 3D Modeler half a year ago or so (being in the closed beta at the time), but I could only run it on the desktop PC, as I haven’t got a VR headset yet. The desktop version was not very convenient to use, to say it gently. :slightly_smiling_face:


There are some stuff I wish they had right now, like orthographic viewports or even a toggle for orthographic to perspective, afaik that’s not even a feature…This makes modeling off reference abit harder.

Is this exclusive to VR? Would a Quest 2 be enough to run this? VR is so prohibitively expensive in Brazil that I have to think really well before any purchase.

Export is of course in dev, but works fine. I always export raw triangles and decimate in Zbrush. Modeler decimator is decent, but not as good as Zbrush.
Exporting with the quadresher isn’t going to give great results for anything other than organics.

It’s hybrid, so you can jump between desktop and VR, but the true power is in the VR mode. Currently only Oculus headsets are supported, but they’re moving to openXR in the future so all headsets will be supported. You can still run it through Reverb. I started on a G2 headset this way, but since switched to a Q2. Quest 2 runs it perfect(because you’re using your PC through link) You can work on 100s of millions of tris easy.


Here are a few samples. I have loads on my Artstation. These are all done 100% in VR.


and you have no private life … lol

extremely amazing work !!!

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Thanks mate. VR can be very addictive!! :joy:

I’ve actually just put the headset on today for the first time in 2 months. Been using Zbrush for work so no VR. :sunglasses:


This is kind of a personal question, I know, but it’s something I feel needs to be answered.

How often have you walked into a wall while VR sculpting?


I sit comfortably on a sofa…so, never… :wink:


Is there anything the VR version of Modeler does that the desktop can’t? I’ve been meaning to get a VR headset, still getting used to the modeler workflow on desktop for now :smiley:

Yes, the main free clay mode isn’t available on desktop. There are a few things here and there, but that’s the main one.

Overall though, the speed/navigation difference when working in VR is night and day with desktop. I do bang the drum a bit on how efficient navigation is in VR compared to mouse/tablet, but it’s honestly something I didn’t think would be as good when I started in VR.


The warp/elastic tools are pretty solid - mostly testing the warp tool tonight and trying out the export quality, the quad meshing leaves alot to be desired, IMO you’ll be better off with the Raw or Triangle with UV , do the remeshing in Zbrush or something superior.


Do your shoulders or arms hurt? It may sound stupid, but I feel like holding your arms in the air for long periods of time would start to hurt after a while. It’s like traditional sculpting, but without the physical model where your hand rests while you do the actual sculpting.

(or maybe that’s just my wallet convincing me not to buy a Oculus Quest 2 and Modeler)

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