Adobe Substance 3D modeler coming to Steam!

It depends on what way your work. I sit on a sofa and my elbows are close to my body for support. I’ve been in hours at a time with no fatigue. Other people work standing up and wave their arms about so I imagine that would definitely be tiring.


That’s the way I’d want to do it. It’d maximize my coolness factor.

My only questions now are when it’ll come to Steam, and whether it’ll have a Linux rev.

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Now I am seriously thinking of getting the Quest 2 :joy: I don’t know if 1. It’ll work for me, having only 1 good eye 2. If I’ll like it at all.

I suppose I can return it for a refund if it doesn’t work out… :thinking:

edit: you need a facebook account to use the Quest 2? :face_vomiting: I guess I wait for OpenXR support for now.

edit2: Trying to get more organic shapes, it seems to be possible if you use a combo of the crease(inverted) to define a boundary of your shape and use Buildup tool to add small amount of “clay” then use the deform tools(warp or elastic) to further improve the shape.

edit3: The Warp tool is kinda fun :smiley:

The surfacing tools - clay buildup and crease - are very early implementations and performance/results are not great atm. Building forms with volumetric shapes is the workflow that gets best results.

Instead of crease you can try the gouge shape set to subtract and surface mode. The profile of that shape is similar to DamStandard. You can also turn on steady stroke for smoother results.

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I thought FB or Meta or whatever it’s called ended that requirement? I’m pretty sure they did.

Man, you should check out Warp in VR. :grinning: The 6DOF is pretty crazy.

I think you might be right about FB lifting the requirement, I just saw a older video on the Quest 2 so their info might be out of date. I’ll look into it later - still want to give VR a chance.

edit: you are correct:

thanks for the tip about the gouge shape, I have yet to try that :sweat_smile:

edit2: I just got back from BestBuy, got the Quest 2 - I will give it a try tomorrow :smiley:


And then Facebook gave us their idea of a VR world. I am guessing their goal is to ensure that people will be able to run it on Intel Integrated Graphics… the chip that came with the Pentium 4.

They at least had the bravery to have per pixel shading and not look like the launch titles for the PS1, or even the games for the Sega Genesis and the SNES.


I’ve never said this before, but I really wish I worked for Meta right now. Imagine getting paid a six figure salary to make something that ugly… you could do that in Blender in 30 seconds, and have a cushy paycheck that could easily support you for years while you found a better job


:joy: :joy: Yeah, the ‘metaverse’ marketing is absolutely ludicrous. Their newer propaganda shows a slick next-gen VR environment, when in reality the Q2 graphics are PS1 level, with low fidelity lens and blurry textures.

I honestly can’t believe that the video you posted isn’t a troll. How on earth could they release that Commodore 64-era rubbish in 2022? Surely it’s not real. :smile:


Not only that, but the perspective is off and feels flat to the point where they might as well have decided their metaverse would be a 2D experience and use sprites instead (like Nintendo’s old Virtual Boy but with full color).

Even Race Driven for the Sega Genesis did perspective and depth better than this and it was one the first ever 3D titles that could be played at home (I know because I played it as a kid). That such is the case (for a full dev. team) is actually quite a feat considering it is a medium that is supposed to handle all of that for you. Now they supposedly bumped the graphics in response, but it seems like they just added some more rim shading and did not actually address the need for a proper lighting engine.


This is why VR is a superior tool for sculpting at 1 hour in Wes showoff VR mode:

So after playing around with the Quest 2 for the first hour today, my head kinda hurts lol, but the experience is definitely unique, still getting used to the UX/UI. The spline tool in VR is much more useful, I can see using it to lay down muscle volume really quick.

Air Link, seems to drain the battery from the headset really quick? Also maybe increasing the refresh rate to 120 hz on the headset will help with my eye fatique?

Good news is it does work for people with only 1 eye :partying_face: Resolution seems kinda okay, gotta play around with refresh rate and resolution to see if it helps with prolong VR usage.

I wish I could turn off the Left Eye(my bad eye) to save on system resource? Is VR worth it? So far I think so!

edit: You still need a facebook account to use the Oculus software.


Hey, don’t insult the Commodore 64! Its graphics were better! :laughing:


I wonder if is a good idea to go for VR controllers but without the headset.

Though I agree that the 3D depth perception is immersive and would allow you to see the “3Dness” of the surfaces in a better way. But still I consider that the headset is bulky and over the top.

I’ve only ever used Modeler with the link cable. For eye strain, my top tip is to blink more regularly than you would normally. :grinning:

Yes, crank up the refresh rate as much as your machine can handle. Resolution doesn’t really make a difference in Modeler(it looks the same on my Q2 as it does my G2 Reverb), and even in general because everything is so blurry anyway that I don’t see any difference between a 1K and 4K texture res setting.


Never!! It was my first ever computer. :smile:


Does it run on the quest1? Any ideas if it’s coming for steam and how much it would be? Kind regards

Not entire sure if it runs on the Quest1, maybe @Musashidan knows? It’s confirm to be coming to steam, price is still unknown.

Also check out Kodon (on steam), another VR sculpting app(I just learnt about it today):

I will start a new thread for Kodon later. Thinking of buying it.

edit2: Bought Kodon, played around in VR for 1 hour, it’s pretty buggy, feels more like a alpha software, Adobe Substance 3D modeler is way more stable/bug free compare to this thing. I would not recommend buying it in it’s current state even if it’s 59.99 USD. The devs are not nearly as active on discord, twitter,steam, right now it’s radio silence from them.

edit3: great video showing off organic sculpting:

I’m pretty sure it does. There are still users using Modeler on Rift.

Oh mate, Kodon is a MESS. It’s been in ‘beta’ for about 6 years and the devs are all over the place with priorities. It was one of the first programs I tried in VR, but I was very disappointed. I tried to get involved and gave extensive feedback, but they would rather try and add a cloth simulator when the most basic and fundamental features have been broken for years.

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I would never have thought this could br done in VR. It is Awesome work