Adobe Substance 3D modeler coming to Steam!

Thanks mate, I honestly didn’t think it would be possible for me either, but it’s proved to be more capable than I imagined. It’s a lot of fun as well. A really liberating work environment.

Wicked modeling as per usual and vr no less!

If only I can get past wearing a headset without gagging, then I’d seriously give it a crack myself :pleading_face:

Anyhow, my initial interest in virtual content creation techniques was seeing this posted over on PC recently, also because I’m a petrol head too boot : D

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Do you get motion sickness or something? I thought that might be a possibility with VR for me, but hasn’t happen at all. I only get motion sickness in some videogames with a traditional monitor.

I got gravity sketch installed, I should give it a try :smiley:

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I’m ex-military (…served on tanks), as a result acquired damaged hearing though more pronounced on the right side so really not sure?!


That’s a shame. The only time I got it was trying a sword fighting simulator where you stand on the spot and move the character using trad game controls. The sensation of standing still while I was ‘virtually’ running was too much for my brain and it felt horrible.

I don’t play games anymore, but I do use a VR boxing game for fitness, but that’s actually within a pre-marked out ring so you’re moving around normally and I’m 100% fine in there. It’s just the ‘moving without moving’ that f ** ks me.

P.S - that Gravity Sketch car is fantastic.

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Yes, I tried it myself. It’s a really well designed and polished program. It’s just not the type of workflow that I want to pursue for my needs in VR.

Gravity Sketch volume tool is really quick and fun way to lay down some “volume”, I wish Modeler had something like that. Also wish there was a way to control the roughness of the materials right now, I think Medium looks better - it helps with seeing the form. Right now in Modeler I am using making the color darker to create a wider contrast as a workaround.

I did play some Half Life Alyx and did not get any motion sickness even in the FPS walking mode.

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Yeah, I didn’t really use GS that much, but it was impressive. I’ve seen some great work done with it.

HLA is the one game I’d come back and play. I was a massive HL 1 and 2 fan back in my younger days when they released. I’ll probably still try it for sentimental reasons. The motion sickness thing put me off though, and I think VR ‘teleporting’ is ridiculous.

Substance Modeler is now out on steam with a discount, so buy it now if you want.