All Material List

Both bugs were fixed in ver1.6.3.

The cause of the second bug is,
If a collection is set to ‘Exclude from view layer’ and there are objects with materials assigned to it, it fails because it cannot be selected.

Thank you for reporting the bug!

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Thank you for the fast fixing.
Coming from C4D your addon is what I needed to fill the gap in Blender. :slight_smile:

This is probably a silly question, but is it possible for addons to be added as Editor Type?



After deleting a material an empty material slot remains in the list, is there a way for your addon to purge those?


Cleanup Material Slot” is added to the menu on the right.
“Unassigned materials” and “empty slots” can be deleted


That is probably difficult.:confounded:

Thanks for the addon, very useful.
Since the latest version there is a conflict with the addon ‘blenderbezierutils’. The real-time preview of the ‘Flexi Edit Bezier’ tool doesn’t work anymore as long as your addon is activated.
What could be the reason?

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Similarly on my PC, ver1.6.3 confirmed that the “Flexi Edit Bezier” function could not be drawn properly …
And ver1.6.1 confirmed that it works properly.

There seems to be a problem with the highlight function in the list of All Material List.
I will consider how to deal with this problem!

ver1.7.0 All Image List

Demo Video

  • Price changed from $ 5 to $ 9 due to increased functionality


▼ image data list function

  • Show image icon
  • Show path
  • Display image size
  • Display pack status
  • Display internal data (△)
  • Warning display for broken links (:warning:)
    • An image with no broken link may be displayed as a warning. Check with the button to reload all images.
    • In Blender specifications, it seems that detailed data is released for images over time
  • Delete
  • Display file types such as videos and sequences
  • Image Editor-> Property Shelf (N)-> Add a panel to Tools

▼ Added auxiliary functions for image management

  • Collect all image files in Textures folder
  • Pack all the images and unpack them right away to put them together in Textures
  • Move images from one folder to another
    • Depending on the number of files, it may take a very long time
    • Only supports folders directly under the .blend file
  • Rename image to file name
  • All image batch processing option
  • Option without extension
  • Delete 0 user


  • Internally, list “delete” and “fake user” switching" functions are integrated into a material ,world, image

Bug fixes

Highlight function in list

  • Modified to highlight function only when ▼ is displayed.
  • Added option that can be turned off in user settings as it may conflict with other add-ons
  • Due to this feature, a problem has been discovered in which the “Flexi Edit Bezier” function of the " Bezier Utilities " add-on cannot be drawn correctly.

amazing job! thanks for the quick and extensive updates

In ver1.7, the problem of “Bezier Utilities” add-on cannot be solved fundamentally.:sleepy:

When using the “Flexi Edit Bezier” function,
it is recommended to disable the highlight function of the add-on settings or
close the ▼ icon in the panel to hide the list.

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I’ll survive this, no problem at all.
You already solved my problem with BoxCutter, that was much more important! : )

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Would it be possible when selecting an object with multiple materials, that the All Material List highlight all the materials used in that specific object?


I also thought about it before, but I think it’s structurally difficult for Blender’s list function.

Too bad, because it would be easier to spot what materials that object is using. But if Blender doesn’t allow it because some technical limitation, nothing can be done.

All Material List ver1.8.0


Simple Shading setting / Pop-up Assign menu / new material creation function

Simple Shading settings and Slot Editing can now be set within this add-on.
Improved new material creation function.


■ Simple texture setting is possible

  • Adjust Base color, Metallic and Roughness
    -Supports only principal BSDF
  • Added material slot
    -Edit and assign slots

■ Added material Assign menu

You can see the assigned material list in a popup

  • Keymap … Alt + Ctrl + R
  • Face assignment in Edit mode also works
  • You can view the assigned material in slot mode
  • You can switch to the main menu
  • Regular expression filters are available
    Example: 1 ^ M … Search for materials with “M” at the beginning of the line
    Example: 2 ^ (?!. * Hoge). + $ …… Exclude material named hoge

■ Select an object from the list.

Notify when the number of selected objects is less than the number of users

Example: If the number of users is 3 and the actual number of selections is 2, it will be notified as “Select 2/3”.

Other minor Additions

  • Added function to change material name to object name


■ Improvement of new material creation function

In addition to simple new creation, you can now do multiple ways.
In the settings, you can set the material name to the object name.
Optionally, slots can be removed and assigned in advance.

  • Create and assign materials for each selected object
  • Create, randomize and assign materials for each selected object
  • Create and assign a single material
  • Create one material, no assignment

Other minor changes

  • A menu with detailed functions and options of materials
  • The icon on the top left will change if there is no material in the selection
  • Material list highlighting feature no longer highlights list if there is no material in the selection

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that main menu is not displayed when edit mode mesh selection mode is vertex or edge
  • Fixed an issue where only one empty slot would remain in the cleanup function
  • Cleanup function only works with mesh objects
  • Selection Icon is to hide icon if fake user is active and there are no assigned objects

I just bought this and its handy and nice to organize the scene.
But there are still some issue I would like to point out , hope it could be optimized in the future release.

1.These button needs better descriptions. Currently they only say “assign new material”. and I can not tell the difference until I really hit the button.

  1. Instead of going through click the red box trigger to keep my view port in sync on object color or material color. It would be better only to click the green area to keep the yellow areas and view port in sync with visual. hope we wont be need that red trigger in the future.
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  1. I like to suggest to give each part a header like the yellow box on left so I can have a clean view of the categories while working.

this also have benefit that UI won`t clutter together when I have multiple categories opened.

because this account is new can only post one pic for a reply,
sorry to have multiple post on the feed back .


I thought the same thing, but prioritized accessibility with a small button.
Since this button changes the option of each operator to make it a separate button, it is not possible to give a separate description for each menu.


It ’s a good idea.
Synchronize with the current viewport color display.


Certainly, the current menu is complicated because it added many functions.
Organize while considering the balance between convenience and orderlyness.

HI Bookyakuno
I just found a bug.

When I am not using a Principled BSDF , instead I use other shader like an emission for an output.

Material list will work fine. but if you turn on system console you will see it is repeatedly popping this message very fast .


I don’t know if this will slow down my system, but it surely will distract if we need to debug something.


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ver1.9.0 Improved menu, added replacement / Merge function


Arrangement of menus has been reviewed and organized, as functions have increased and the menu has become complicated.
Added the function to replace / Merge materials or images.


Merge duplicated Materials /Images node

Materials and images with numbers such as .001 and .002 can be replaced with unmarked materials / images node.
The join destination is the name without .001 or .002 attached.
The image is only for material nodes.
There is an option to target only all items and specified items.
There is an option to specify a character string other than “.” For the search.

Replace material /image

  • material
    You can replace a specified material with another material.
    There is an option for only the slot of the selected object.

  • image
    You can replace the image of a specified image node with another image.
    There is an option for only the material in the active material slot.

List assigned objects

Lists materials assigned materials and visualizes objects that cannot be selected.(selection disabled setting, hidden, hidden collection, etc.).

Detailed description added to new material creation function

Added the explanation because it was difficult to understand the difference of the button of the new material creation function.


■ Make each menu look and be regular
■ Other menus (∨ icons) have been rearranged
■ “Show Pass Index” in the material list is moved to the other menu (∨ icon)
■ Image list display switching between “Size” and “Path” is now a small button
■ Improved the order of the viewport color menu
The “Material Viewport Color Mode” button has been removed and now depends on the current viewport color display.
In the case of an object, it becomes the object color,
In the case of single, only single color is displayed,
Otherwise, the material color is displayed.

Bug fixed

Fixed an issue that continued to output errors the console, when the principal BSDF does not exist.