As far as I know, you will have to convert the image to svd and import that svg as a curve. This curve you can then convert to a mesh, extrude, and use a boolean cutter.
There are some image to vector converte but more for black white images and outlines giving for example svg output: Here potrace (commandline utility) and you have to tweak… or prefilter … Here is a quick one for you example…:
As i said: any image-to-vector-converter/ vectorizer… there are even some online… i ('m on linux and) did it with Didn’t bother about parameter and didn’t thought about color at first. So with a drawing app select the transparent background and paint it black (or white?) , invert selection and paint the other white (or black) and then start any tracer to svg… import into blender…convert to mesh, unwrap UV from above to view… adjust UV scale (some tracer or parameter may fit this automatically correct)…
The question was not how to import SVG it was how to cut an image plane… to convert into a vector format might be a solution… (and it’s tagged as that).
When there is an idea in your head you got to do it when the other family members leave for their homes… Okay i suck at particles (i think i did know more in 2.79??) and there is a red ribbon missing… xmasGift4.blend (958.7 KB)
da da da da …