This is a dragon bust inspired by David Revoy’s early concept artwork of Sintel and Scales ( Everything is sculpted, textured and rendered in Blender with the Cycles render engine.
I made it in five intense days with the BlenderGuru Character Concept Contest in mind.
I originally planned to have the full dragon character be my entry, but I had to only make it a bust due to time constraint.
Also, at first I planned to make a Dragonball character for the BG Contest (: Super Saiyan Son Gohan), but failed miserably.
I originally planned to make hair for it as well, but I’m not that strong in particle hair, so this version has none.
This is also an attempt to find my own style in modeling and texturing, this one focusing on improving my workflow in making textures.
Shoutout to Max Puliero and his videos ( teaching me new methods of using Blender !
Final compositing and adjustments made in Photoshop.
(^ Above image is 1533x2300, which seems to be the maximum for posting on Blender Artists, to see the full size image, click the link in the quote below)
I removed the fresnel rim and
High resolution OpenGL Render:
It consists of:
6 8k textures (2x color, 2x normal, 2x spec, neck and head + all teeth)
3 4k textures (1x color, 1x normal, 1x spec, all back spikes)
3 2k textures (1x color, 1x normal, 1x spec, tongue)
12 1k textures (4x color, 4x normal, 4x spec, chain, bar, skull, nose ring)
one .5k texture (1x color, eyes)
1.009.961 faces