Angle Tool

Very good, thanks for the video. I think what’s happening there is that the Angle has been Extended by a large amount. To change this, please try dragging on the straight arrow, not the curved one. As you drag the straight arrow more towards the starting point, the Extend amount should reduce, and the resulting Angle shape should get tighter.

By the way, you are using Angle Tool in Gizmo Mode (having activated it from the icon in the Toolbar to the left). The other way of using Angle tool, which I would call Modal Mode, can be done via hotkeys or menu commands, and you can get a better overview of how to use it from this old tutorial video, which I should update, since I added the Gizmo Mode more recently.

That being said, you’ve made me realize, that Gizmo Mode is lacking some essential features, such as precisely changing the Angle and Extend values (to also zero them out), and I think it doesn’t have the ability to snap to specific values either. Modal Mode is the original way I designed the tool, so that is more fully fleshed out. Again, have a look at this tutorial. I hope that helps.

I will try to add the functionality that I mentioned to the Gizmo Mode and I also have to update my video tutorial with the more recently added features. Cheers!


Thank you!

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Does it support Blender 3.6?
I want to buy it

bought it and seems not to work in blender 4.0 M1 mac

It should work with the latest blender. @cekuhnen please describe the issue and steps to reproduce :slight_smile:

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@z01ks here it is

Hey Claas, thanks for sharing. There are a few things going on here. Looks like you’ve found a bug for sure. I was able to replicate it, but it does also seem random, so it doesn’t always seem to be happening for me. It might be because the Active Edge is parallel to another edge in your selected geometry. I’m not sure, though, and I’ll have to do some testing to get to the bottom of it.

I think there is also a misunderstanding of the function of the tool. This is not the Follow Me tool from SketchUp and it does not follow any path. It simply creates corners around a pivot edge. For extruding you’ll have to use the native Extrude Tool, and maybe use vertex or other kinds of snapping to get it to align with particular geo. So at 0:42 of your video, the tool actually seems to be working how it’s supposed to (rotating the geometry around the active pivot edge), but the result is not what you intended (extruding along active edge).

However, the bug that I see in your video is related to the curved arrow gizmo pointing the wrong way, and that possibly can lead to other errors down the line. So I’ll try to work this out and have an update soon.

In the meantime, I’d recommend testing the tool with some more simple geometry and let me know if you understand how to use it in general. Also, please try to use the tool by assigning it a shortcut through the Face drop down menu in Edit Mode. This option doesn’t have Gizmos, and it might be that those are causing the errors.

Anyway, let me know how it goes and if you can get it to work overall.

ah ok

good to know I found a bug ( I am known for that ) and that I misuse the tool.

Now since you stated it - what about making it like the follow me command in sketchup?

blender has a some serious shortcomings in that regards

Blender has Curves with Bevel Profiles. Also there is an add-on called Poly Sweeper. Which functionality are you missing, in particular?

I come primarily from Rhino / Fusion360

so I work with common commands like sweep, sweep 2 rails, loft etc.

SketchUp is something I have to teach but don’t really enjoy because I think in the overall Blender is significantly better - but in some instances SketchUp has sometools well through out.

Blender curves has some serious issues the moment you turn go of a planar direction thus it is pointless to use of that like 3D bevels

poly sweeper I remember that there was something like that

too bad such basic tools like extrude / sweep a long a path with poly isn’t part of blenders tool set

I do agree with students that Blender is more confusing / complex - less organized

but hey it is free :wink: