AnimAide is a free add-on for Blender 2.80 that has some helpful tools for animation inspired by what you can find in other software. It gives you the ability to simultaneously manipulate a group of keys across multiple fcurves from either animated objects or animated bones in an armature.
There are some Blender options to manipulate keys, but AnimAide open the door to new possibilities. Not only has a wider range of tools but when working with a group of fcurves each one will have their local space.
At the moment, Animaide has two main panels: Sliders and AnimTransform.
The slider has 14 tools so far:
Ease To Ease
Blend Ease
Blend Neighbor
Blend Frame
Blend Offset
Scale Average
Scale Left
Scale Right
Time Offset
Aside from accessing those tools using the slider on the panel, you can also use shortcuts for faster workflow. But If pie-menus are your thing, we have also provided two of them.
Anim Transform:
This tool freezes time, so any transformation you do to an animated object or bones in an armature affect the entire animation equally
I’m a character animator that is adventuring into the world of coding so please let me know of any bugs you find or feedback you may have. I hope you find these tools useful.
Hmm, I understand your situation. At one point I was trying to keep the add-on compatible with both Blender versions, but it was becoming too distracting for me. Now that the tool is “working” I could try to make it compatible with 2.79 (or at least have a separate version for it). Let me see how soon I can have that for you.
Hello Metin, thanks for the interest. There are two ways I could interpret your question:
If you are asking if the add-on can manipulate the bezier handles between two keys the answer is no, AnimAide doesn’t affect handles, besides most of the tools do things that cannot be done manipulating handles.
If your question is if the same thing the add-on does can be replicated manipulating the handles between two keys of multiples f-curves, the answer is: In some very specific situations you could replicate what “Ease to Ease” and “Ease” do if you have the “normalize” activated in the graph editor (is impossible to replicate with bezier handles what the other tools do). In the case of “Ease”, all the curves would have to be going in the same direction (up or down) because if not when you move your handles it would affect them differently.
Some animators (more often character animators) want to keep all or some of their keys at least while they are blocking the animation, so AnimAide is meant for that kind of workflow.
If you go to the AnimAide github page and scroll down you can see more information about it.
Sorry, I answered two questions when you asked just one, but wanted to make sure I address it.
On the Animaid repository, yes ; the latest is from Apri 6th.
but here:, the contribution history shows activity on July 29th.