
Animtoolbox is a new addon with a set of tools and workflows for animation in Blender.

For support and Auto-updates, you can buy it from

Free version (no auto updates) available at


Bakes your selected bones/controls into a new temporary control rig with new controls which control the original selected controls in the original rig.

Bake Anim to Ctrls - are based on an older addon I wrote called bake anim to empties, however empties are not convinient when working with rig animations, since they are always in object mode and bones are working in pose mode. In this version you can also bake the animation of all selected controls to a new local temporary rig with the controls and the animation baked in world space. Instead of world space you can also use a parent bone based on the original rig bones, and also add child bones for extra control. This is used mostly for space switching technics. After doing all your adjustments in world space, quickly bake back to the original rig and the temporary rig will be removed.

Parent Ctrl on Cursor - Creates a temporary parent bone from cursor - used mostly for temproray pivot. Select your bone controls . position your 3D cursor and press on Parent Ctrl on Cursor. A control rig is created with a bone at the cursor position. All the selected bones are now linked to the bone with ā€˜Child ofā€™ Constraints. Rotate and move the parent bone to use as a temporary pivot. When using the operator, a new property is created next to the operator. With this property you can turn off and on all the child of constraints.

Quick Bake Constraints - Quickly bakes the current temp controls back into the original rig and removes the temprorary setup.

Select Constrained Bones - Selects all the bones that are constrained to a temporary rig control

Cleanup - If you are not happy from the results you can always quickly remove of the empties or temporary rig setup.


Offset Keyframes - Offsets all the keyframes of the selected bones. very usefull together with Bake Anim to Ctrls. I will later make it also interactive so you can use a slider back and forth to try different offset amounts before applying.

Copy World Matrix - Copy and paste the world matrix of an object or a bone. It recalculates also child of constraints, so it will always go back to the same position in world space. Examples for Useful cases:

  • Fix sliding legs for cyclic animation that move with a root bone
  • When switching between different setups, and things start to jump around
  • align object with bones

Copy Relative Matrix - Works only with two selected bones or objects. Copy the distance between the selected object or bone to the active object/bone. go to a different frame or transformation of the active bone, select the first selected bone and paste. The object/bone will move into the same distance from the active object. This can be used instead of parenting, especially during animation blocking phase.

Sharekeys - select multiple bones or objects, with keyframes on different frames in the timeline. press Sharekeys and keyframes will be added to all controls across the timeline, so now they share the same amount of keyframes at the same frames. This also can be usefull during blocking phase.

Frame Range Marker widgets - Added an operator next to the frame range, which adjusts the frame range using Markers. This works also with frame range preview. The temporary markers will be removed when turning off the operator


A set of tools for creating customized rigs. Current tools are still very experimental. It was initially a separate addon, but decided to join them together and later will also make it work together with temp controls as well as a modular rig tools The current operators are:

Add Chain Controls - Creates a chain of parent and stretch target controls for all the selected bones. can create also closed chains such as mouth loops. Can keep the hierarchy order within the bone controls.

Add Bbone widgets - automatically create controls for Bbones. These are not the built-in standard Blender Bbone controls, but rather controls that are working similiar to bezier handles. They are connected to the bbone properties through drivers.

Merge Rigs - join rigs together into the active rig. Removes duplicated bones and keep their hierarchy order and constraint connection. The duplicated common bones can be used as connection points between the two rigs.


More functions on Temp Controls module, such as:

  • Adding smart bake option. I will use animation layerā€™s smart bake module.
  • a better solution then parent on cursor, that will include also the original parent/root movement in the temp setup
  • Adding more temp control such as a quick basic ik setup. joining with riggertoolbox module
  • Use Empty motion path for offseting bone motion paths.

and also

  • Making offset an interactive slider, with an apply/cancel options.

  • Copy world and relative matrix for a list of keyframes and bake to frame range options

  • Micro-values

  • Convert rotation axis order while keeping keyframe count and similiar tangent handles (using smart bake)

  • Improved and editable motion trails

  • Make stuff look nicer and fancier. Add widgets for frame range selection. Nicer motion path

  • View only selected armature option (usefull when working with a lot of characters)

  • New inbetweeners and blending options

  • create lattice from vertex selection with controls

  • Auto breather using noise modifiers offsets


Updated to Version -

Added a new small feature - currently available via the auto updater.
Frame range Markers are marker widgets that adjust the frame range.

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One more new Tool.

Markers Retimer -

Lets you retime the animation using timeline markers.
Move the markers to adjust and scale the keyframes between the relative markers.
Available from V0.0.0.5


V0.0.0.6 update - fixed Empty controllers. It is now possible to use either a temporary control rig using bones or Empties as well again

V0.0.0.7 -Relative Selections - Selects Controls or constrained bones related to the current selection, Or select All Controls/Constraints.
If constrained bones are currently selected, then when using Relative Ctrls, only the controls related to those constrained bones will be selected, and vice versa for constrained bones. Use All to select all the Controls or All constrained bones.

Iā€™ve added also Relative Cleanup - When using different temp controls for different rigs it removes only the setup related to the current selection or choose to remove All setups


New tool coming soon to V0.0.0.8

Interactive Keyframes Offset.

Offset your keyframes back and forth with a slider while playing the animation. the slider on 0 will bring the keyframes back to their initial position. When happy with the results, Press A to apply the offset and reset the slider.


Interactive Keyframes Offset

V0.0.0.8 is released with the Keyframes Offset slider for a Non destructive workflow.
Iā€™ve added also an apply operator which applies the new timing for the keyframes and resets the slider back to 0, and also a selection operator, which selects all the bones and objects that currently have an offset (before itā€™s applied).


updated to V0.0.1.0

Started adding the Blending/Inbetweeners

The first one is

Inbetween world matrix.


This is similiar to copy/paste world matrix but works as an inbetweener.
Value of one is the the world matrix position of the next keyframe.
Value of minus one is the world matrix position of the previous position.

This is very usefull to get the legs locked in space when they slide because of the root movement.
Or for creating overlapping action.
It calculates also ā€˜child ofā€™ constraints so it works good with Auto Rig Pro rigs.

It is currently not working so great with autokey, I recommend using it with manual keyframing, using the hotkey ā€˜iā€™ instead.

next coming up -

  • Blend to mirror.
  • I will also add AnimLayers inbetweener inside.
  • Some Display Features - Isolating rigs in pose mode, and operators + hotkeys for changing the Gizmo size.
  • New bake and smart bake for the temp controls, that bakes per control range with the options either to ā€˜Replaceā€™ or ā€˜Insertā€™ the baked keyframes
  • Adding Filters for XYZW and Loc, Rot, Scale

Addon updated to V0.0.1.2

Blend to Mirror -
Instead of just apply copy paste mirror pose, use a silder to blend to mirror, to avoid a complete symmetry.
Also added Anim Layerā€™s keyframe inbetweener which works better for nla tracks then Blenderā€™s default inbetweener


New Dsplay Category
The first option is the option to resize the gizmo / manipulator which is hooked to the hotkeys Alt and Numpad Plus or Numpad Minus. by default it will grow/shrink in 10 units, but you can change that in the options.

Isolate Pose Mode - Isolates the active armatures during pose mode, when going out of pose mode the other armatures are being visible again. This is very useful when working with a lot of rigs and there are controls all over the screen.


New Feature in AnimToolBox V0.0.1.3

Temp IK -

Select FK bones and bake them into a temporary IK setup.
This can be useful for a quick editing of raw motion capture data, or for setups that need temporary IK controls. For example FK Fingers setup that need to be fixed on a table or another object in space, Fixing the elbow in space (elbow leaning on a table), or can be used for animation curves clean up


Iā€™ve made a new video with a quick overview of (almost) all the current tools in Animtoolbox


Updated to Version

It is now possible to do a quick bake and /or remove selected chains, instead of removing the whole temp rig everytime.
Select any bone on a chain (either a bone the from the temp ctrls or the bone that is being controlled in the original rig) and use ā€œSelectedā€ during clean up or Quick Bake.

Also if a temp rig already has a root ctrl, when baking to a new controls with root bone, it will already use the existing root bone instead of creating a new one like before. (unless itā€™s specified that itā€™s based on another bone or object)

Also Temp Ctrls are baked into World Space Orientation by default now. If World space is unchecked then it will bake to the same orientation of the original bone
The advantage of world space is that it is easier to work with in the graph editor (since each curve is moving in one direction)

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Updated to Version - available via the updater

New updates for Temp Controls


New Bake

Complete new bake method for temp controls. currently available only on quick bake, when baking the ctrls to the original bones, but will be eventually also available when baking to the ctrl. Iā€™ve added a button to open and close the settings

It is now using smart bake by default. So it can keep the frame count from the original bones or from the temp ctrls or both, and then recalculate the new handles. Or bake every frame within each controller own range when smartbake is turned off.
It also recalculates child of controls, so can be usefull to change switch different setups in the rig.

Temp Ctrls are now using IDs so itā€™s possible to add, remove and bake different chains, instead of baking the whole rig.

Bake anim to Ctrls is renamed to ā€˜World Space Ctrlsā€™
Parent from cursor is removed for now. It is possible to get a similiar or even better result when just using World Space Ctrls with a root bone turned on, but using a 3d cursor.

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Iā€™ve made a video explaining the new bake

One more thing to mention, is that the bake is calculating also child of constraints (unlike Blenderā€™s internal bake), so it works good also when someone wants to keep the animation while switching to a different rig setup properties, especially when using Auto rig pro which is using a lot of child of constraints for different setups, such as the pole parent


Updated to V0.0.1.8

Is working now also with Blender 4.
Blender 4 is now using Bone collections instead of bone groups and layers.
The current version is still working with older versions as well.

Lots of fixes for the new bake.

The new bake and smart bake works now also when baking to the WorldSpace Temp Ctrls (and not only when baking to the original ctrls like in the previous update)


The display panel has now an option to change all ctrl rig size after they are created


I will also add the option to change the shapes from the bone shapes template.

My next steps down the road:

  • Implement the new bake also to Temp IK (which will include a more precise pole vector snap)
  • Use the new bake to Add a tool that converts rotation order and type of rotation
  • Copy/paste world matrix - update to work with multiple objects and add bake matrix to multiple keyframes or frame range.
  • Re-organizing addon structure and adding new modules, such as Temp Fk, Temp Spline IK, etc.

For Controls such as Temp FK controls I thought also about adding a ui list which lists the selected bones, and let the user easly change their hierarchial order

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Updated to V0.0.1.9

Copy / Paste World Matrix and Relative Matrix are now working also with multiple keyframes or a frame range.


Iā€™ve added an enum property. It is possible to paste the matrix either to the current frame, all the selected keyframes (on the selected bones) or using a frame range.

When using Frame range, it is possible to define the frame range either by entering the frame numbers, or using widget Markers. When clicking on the marker button, it will create Bake Start and Bake End markers which lets you define the frame range in a more interactive way.

Iā€™m also planning later to make this copy paste functions, work with multiple bone selections (so that it will remember the matrix for each selection also individually), and to add some visual aid that will maybe make it easier to understand the workflow

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updated to V0.0.2.0

Temp Ctrls new bake got some fixes and is now also implemented into Temp IK.
Temp IK is now also using a more precise pole target - IK FK snap during the bake.

Thereā€™s an option to disable and enable Temp Ctrls (muting the temp ctrl constraints) for the whole temp ctrls or only selected chain


I wanted to start experimenting with draw handles and gpu shaders for the addon, eventually to work on a better UX-UI and interactivity.
So the first and most easy thing was to add a notification in the bottom left of the viewport when the ā€œMarkers Retimerā€ is running in the background.

I thought about adding more of this kind of notifications especially when modal operators are running in the background, and maybe also adding a notifications for example when copying/pasting matrices

Iā€™ve started a discord server!

I will be available at this channel for feedback and support related to Animation Layers and Animtoolbox addons, and if anyone is interested in more updates.


Updated to version

Added new tool for converting the rotation order while keeping the animation.
The tool is also using smartbake, so it keeps the overall keyframes and recalculates the handles


More updates and support on my discord channel


Hi, thanks for making a free version of this tool. Hope you are doing well.

Does this include Animation Layers or its different? Does this work with 4.1 alpha?
Also, does Multikey addon work with 4.1 alpha?

Also your discord channel invite link is expired. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, itā€™s not including Animation Layers. Itā€™s a different addon.
I donā€™t think the old free version would work with Blender 4.1

The latest (paid) version is working with Blender 4.0, so it might work also with 4.1. I normally donā€™t test anything on Alpha, since alpha version are always going to change.

The free version is already pretty old, but i will update it as well at some point.

Thanks for letting me know about the link.
This is a link for discord which should be permanent

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Updated to version
Display panel is now including

Editable Motions Trails

It is currently working only for bones/armature animations. Multiple bones and keyframes can be edited. to add keyframes to the selection or to deselect keyframes use shift.

Iā€™ve added also some settings for adjusting the visualization


you can change the colors for before and after the current frame.
Scale the bounding box of the keyframe (since it might be too small or too big depending on your scene scale)
Later I will also add bezier handles and more visualization options.

Temp ctrls shapes can be now always changed from the panel (doesnā€™t need to be recreated) and the shapes are overall refined.
