Anna WIP

Here’s another project I’d like to call Anna.

Isn’t she beautiful? :smiley:

What do you guys think?:o

I’m just gonna up the thread up with an update.
Here’s a render of her with a test diffuse texture. I’m probably gonna make this her official diffuse texture, it just needs some work. Her eyebrows are painted straight to the diffuse texture. I’m confused, though, as to how you guys paint the shadows inside the nostrils, or is it recommended to just let it cast raytrace shadows? The latter is hard to achieve that’s why I just painted a dark brown color in it. Any tips on this?

But isn’t the ear to big? And ear needs some tweaks, I mean the shape of the ear.
The same in her eyes, aren’t they to big? I mean the inside eyes, the part that is brown, I don’t know how you call it.
looks good, I like the expression of is face.
And she is beautiful, no doubt.
keep up. :smiley: :slight_smile:

The ear? Really? Maybe it’s the lens size because I’ve done a lot of tweaking with the ears and it looks okay in orthographic view. I’ll see what I can do with that. You mean the cornea? They’re just test eyes for me to see her overall expression. I’m gonna model the actual eyes later on, I’m just gonna finish the face maps.:yes:

Very nice work. I like this character more than your “leila”. For me are the facial expression and the proportions something better.

Ciao :wink:

Thanks! I’m working on the maps right now. Here’s a render with the diffuse and the bump. Both maps aren’t finished yet. Just a test render of how she’ll look like so far.

looks good what hairs are you going for particle or mesh ?

Thanks, marnal. I think I’m going for particle hair for this one. I’m not good at creating hair cards. I’m leaning more on realism for this one and I think it’s better to just leave strand rendering to do the job for the hair. Although there are others who can do better using mesh hair and I salute them.:yes:

Another update. Here’s a render of her with diffuse, specular, and bump maps:

Hi icey cooley!

The nostril is quite weird, you have to pull out back…what*s your style?..It seems is manga cause the eyes, but if it is not, maybe you have to use some references

Remember not to use these references for background images…forget it! must trust in your always changing perspective…tip> references for large pictures and small subject are referred to a 120
degrees lens, well is just what i think…and later my cornea is around 80 to 90 degrees…but this angle makes me feel good with distances.

They’re just test eyes for me to see, more or less, how her expression would look like but you’re right, the cornea is too big. She’s starting to look as though she’s pulling out a “pussy cat eyes” on somebody.:smiley: I used a reference during the modeling of her base mesh but decided to go on without it. I got the reference from but it’s low-res so it got hard once I went to model more detail. Yeah, her nose looks kinda odd to me too. I’ll try to fix that later on. Maybe I’ll tweak the camera lens first to see if it’s fixable that way. Anyway, has any of you have any site in mind where I can get free human high resolution reference pictures? Any help will be much appreciated.:yes:

Update: tweaked nose and diffuse eye texture. The eye texture is not finished yet. I’m still testing on ways on how to do eye textures using texture nodes.:wink:


It has been a while, hasn’t it? Anyway, here are updates:
Blenderartists had been down for a while that Anna had already grew hair. :smiley:
Here’s another render from another angle
changed hairstyle…
I’ve put a cloth on her. She might get cold.:stuck_out_tongue:
changed her style again. Tweaked on a couple of parts.
…and tweaked it some more…
I’ve changed her skin shader as multi-layered SSS
Changed the lights to render buffer shadows. Frankly, it’s taking too long for raytraced shadows to render. Plus, buffer shadows render better.
Here’s a close up render.
And here’s another close up. Checked on the bumps and see if they’ll render good in close-up.

She’s coming along really nicely! I have a couple suggestions on the modeling. (I know you’re probably past that stage…)

First, I think the nostrils are a little too big. I think they come too far forward. The back part (closer to her face) looks right, but I think the front edges (towards the tip of her nose) should be moved back a bit.

Second, her eyelids don’t touch her eyeballs like they should. I don’t know if it would be better to move the eyelids back or to move the eyeballs forward, though… I’d recommend experimenting to see which looks best.

Thanks for the suggestions. I was having thoughts about the eyelids as well. If I pushed it forward the tearbuds get covered. I guess I’ll just push it back and see what happens. I’m also having problems with the hair, specifically the hairline. It looks more fabricated than realistic. I’m looking up on reference images and see what I can do with it.

I am starting my third attempt to model a Character. I observe constantly your steps. Currently the lips, the eyelashes and the eyebrows interest me. I find yours very much successfully. Can you explain something like you them has created?
Note: I find the nostrils a little bit too big

Ciao :wink:

Alright. I can’t post any images right now so I’ll just try my best to explain stuff.
For the lips, I always make sure that it twists out as it goes to the middle. The corners are the most tricky part because I’d have to hide the vertices that follow the corner (I don’t know if you understand this but I’ll post some images later).
As for the eyelashes, I made them out of particle hair. I just duplicated the eyelids’ vertices and extruded them a bit for the eyelashes to grow along the faces. I used to make eyelashes out of alpha planes but it’s hard to manage it that way. I find it easier doing them with hair strands.
For the eyebrows, I painted them directly to the diffuse map, which is a big mistake because everytime I change the settings of the skin shader, which is a multi-layered SSS skin shader, the eyebrow color is also affected. I just can’t handle separate eyebrows, it could get too messy.

Here’s the edit:

Now the eyelids stick to the eyes and the nostrils were pulled back.

nostrils still need to be less edgy. and the eyelids are supposed to be curvy.

IMO this is far better than leila, I really begin to think that this could become something awesome if you were to render it in a scene.

EDIT: would you be interested in making a texturing tut on this? I sure would love to know how you created the normal map.

You think so? I’ll see what I can do with the nostrils. I’ve tweaked it several times and it seems this is the best it can be. I’ll think about the tutorial. I’m actually planning on a 3 part tutorial on the diffuse, bump and the specular maps. I’ll be posting it on my website. :smiley: