General AI Discussion

A lot of times I’ll see a post (or essay, or vid, or etc) cite a bunch of facts that, although true, don’t support the conclusion. In this case I agree with your conclusion, but with nothing else in that post.

(again IANAL/TINLA throughout)

Throughout these discussions here and elsewhere, my frustration with scattershot “solutions” made in (at best) ignorance of the struggles and progress accomplished in other artistic fields – or in outright hostility, with the occasional sop of concealment, to the artists in those fields who 3D artists should be in solidarity with, and learning from their earlier experiences with this kind of thing? With the acceptance (if not outright embracing) of righteous anger as a supposedly moral suasion, despite the massive death toll in the last few years alone? With the rhetorical stunts and other tactics that, even in Off-topic Chat, accusations of (no matter how accurate) are verbotten on this forum? I still agree that the current AI art issues are bad and, unless effectively countered, likely to get a lot worse.

But this must be done with awareness that much of what’s already been suggested is not only going to be ineffective, but would hand ammunition to our opponents.

AIs shouldn’t be trained on any data without the artists’ legal consent and payment for their work? Legal consent and payment is what they currently have in the music industries, ask those artists how well it’s worked out for the vast majority of them. The corporate owners blame-game the trickle of ripping (most of which is legit format-shifting) and piracy for artists being paid less than the protection fees they’re paying, all while raking in their lawyer-defended massive profits. The very idea of that as a solution plays into for-profit AI-corp hands.

That’s just one example, plenty of others have already been referred to. Can we PLEASE avoid at least the obvious failures that’ve allowed similar exploitation against other artistic fields?