Any other bigger contest like Blender F1?

Ok. That is what I thought. I didn’t know if “game on” meant it was launching and that I had just missed the Official announcement somewhere else.

Glad that’s all cleared, I was a bit confused myself.

Man, this waiting is killing me. I have changed my reference person three times :).

Dude, I’m so sorry. But trust me the waiting might just be a helluva worth it :slight_smile: (For winners and entrants.) LOL I wanna divulge more but I cant at this point.

I personally don’t mind the wait. It will give me more time to practice.

Wicked Linux :slight_smile: All I can say is that time-zones suck :frowning: Especially when combined with my own time-limits lol. Ooh the romance. Very very close now …

As a fellow ‘the-suspense-is-killing-me’ forum member, can we at least have a rough idea of the two categories for now to help us choose a subject for our entries?

ie. - If the categories were as simple as stating Head / Full Body (even if the rest of the rules came later) that would help. If I was to enter ‘Head’, I have someone picked who I will probably go with either way. If it was ‘full body’ I might pick a bodybuilder or a soldier to practice my anatomical body sculpting or something.

I appreciate keeping the sponsors and such under wraps until the whole contest is sorted out, but just a small hint on what we’ll be in for other than “humans” would be great!

Dude I’m as eager as you are but just hang in there. The emphasis will be on realistic portraiture, but I would suggest not making any final decisions and to wait for the details.

Rightio. A couple of projects I’d like to tidy up first anyway. Either way it’ll be a plus when it starts.

Bendansie, I think your other projects can wait :slight_smile:

Challenge … LAUNCHED!

this just made my day, I can’t wait to get started

hehe excellent Tyrant Monkey, I’m really glad :slight_smile:

Jupííííííííííííííííííííííí :).

len, thank you for organising and making this happen. i know this is gona boost the “wha…, blender?” rumours around cg enthusiasts quite a lot.
i know im gona have a lot of fun during the following weeks because this is a great opportunity to learn quite a few new techniques, not to mention to receive some focused critiques for the purpose of getting better at doing things.
great-great news. :slight_smile:

Hehehe excellent Gaalgergely :slight_smile: Thanks so much :slight_smile: