Apply rotation and scale : Auto option for Blender

Blender should propose on options a checkbox for automatically applying all the time for objects :
-rotation & scale
-position ( while many times we prefer to keep object center of mass position)

For example you scale and rotate objects, join them, the sculpting will be deformed because transform has not been applied.

There is plugins , but they are not fully supported of have issues.

On most work i must constantly apply rotation and scale on Blender,
while other modeling software does not have this issue, when you apply rotation or scale it is effectively applied without this ambiguity Blender has.

I think this should evolve and have an option to work as simple as other modelers.

Addon which implements it:

Proposals on RCS:

Personal opinion:

  • Should this functionality be included in base blender - 100% yes.
  • Should this be on by default - I’m 50/50 split on this.

This will easily solve like half of issues encountered by new users related to modifiers and non applied scale. Heck, I’m not a new user and I have to use edit mode scaling or apply scale command a lot more than I work with non applied scale objects (especially during beginning block-out phases of modelling).

On other hand auto applying of scale can cascade into more complicated areas than modelling like instances. Will auto scale break linked data? Or will it silently propagate changes to all instances? I would definitely want this setting off at later stages of modelling or layout.

Tldr - yes this is a potentially destructive setting, but so are automerge or proportional editing for example. Hence why it probably should be a toggle in header or tool settings for visibility. Having it on will save a lot of time and keypresses in some cases so it should be added.


I quite often rotate an object in the scene and then rotate again using local transform orientation. This would not be possible if rotation was applied.

I agree that a check box to auto apply would be fine, but would not like it to be on by default.

For this reason I am very careful to turn those options off when I am done with them, I do not think they should be on by default.

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And that was a perfect example how this is meant not to use… in contrast to…

…so if someone want’s to add different basic objects like cuboids, cyliders and spheres to make up a complexer object then they can do this in edit mode…

Of course anybody can also use any tool in a way that it is not intended for… but it seems a bit weird to me to tell that this should be done in another way…

If you don’t apply rotate or scale to a model and switch to sculpt mode you got brush deformed and you don’t sculpt on uniform way.

When sculpting and adding primitives, you must apply transform for any new object you added.

That’s what i meant… if you just want to build up a base for sculpting… then you should add the simple objects in edit mode and scale and rotate them whatever you like and then switch to sculpting…

In Blender adding simple objects as individual objects (for example for out-blocking) gives you the advantage which @DNorman mentioned… you can re-rotate them and know how much they are scaled… this might be helpfull…

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