Armory Engine Feedback: Armory at Blender Conference!

I don’t understand your question?

I mean why should it be named after the name of who coded?

@lsscpp because he is the one who did all the work… It is HIS work so i believe it should bear HIS name.

For example, many scientific theories/laws are named after the creator;

Like these -

I see no reason why this shouldn’t be the same for a coder. If you coded it, stick your name on it

Welcome to the Roosendaal 3D forum !

In any case it shouldn’t be related to Blender, since it’s a new game engine enterily external to it. Maybe related to Kha or Hexe, but I would prefer if it’s just an original name like Samurai Engine! … well the author name is fine too.

If you coded you decide the name

YES, of course. I wasn’t FORCING him to use his own name… Just a suggestion… HE can name it whatever HE likes

Can’t believe a simple comment sparked you to a reaction.

Why are you so opposed to him using his own name anyway? it’s weird that you even care at all.

Wow. Would love for this thread to return to the topic of the actual game engine. Surely I’m not the only one who thinks so?

“Samurai engine” is a good idea :slight_smile: … I also liked the name “Blades Engine” that was mentioned in an earlier post.

My suggestion of him naming it “Lubos Engine” was purely complimentary.

@ohsnapitsjoel - Sorry for dragging this thread off on a tangent about names, it was not my intention… The name is actually the least important aspect of this thread

Wow @lubos, this is extremely impressive. Hats off to you sir. Very good work :slight_smile:

Unamed game engine name is irrelevant,

what is relevant…

The engine releases at the end of the month,
and I for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

I also hope the bge picks up some of the rendering tech…

No opposition and no intention to sound aggressive. Just curious to understand your comment. :wink:
Back on trail

Is there a set date for a beta trial?

Same question. But I’ve looked the source code and mostly there are shaders and physics code, so I suspect that functionalities like animations, LOD, sound, joysticks, and so one aren’t yet implemented. We may have to wait a little for a fully capable game engine, but it’s looking great for now (also using Hexe may have been a very good choice).

@Thatimster & @elmenunick9 End of the month is what it’s written on his page

It’s cool to suggest names for his engine guys. But it’s NOT cool to fill his thread with a discussion about this. Why don’t you guys make a new thread for this? Seriously, when I open this thread I want to see his updates, not yours.

Super stoked here.

Then don’t re-derail the thread, bro! :wink: I believe that discussion has wrapped up.

Of course it is… 1 and 1/2 page :no:

Great work Lubos !

I’ve been getting into Unreal Engine lately.

How far along is the logic nodes, compared to say blueprint?

I’m wondering about the asset management too.

How will you keep track of assets while still being as much integrated with blender as possible? will you use scenes as well as objects ? I understand you don’t use .blend files directly. In unreal there is some solid asset managament ( like reimport once it is in ) which would not even be needed with proper integration , no more fbx headache!, no more axis changes ! One nice thing in unreal is that if you change the name or location of an asset or even blueprint, it is changed everywhere and found. This is a must for protoyping and fleshing things out.

will the licence issues of the current BGE really be solved ?

what about supporting the glTF format ? astc texture compression ?

Concerning the name I like the Blades suggestion. Feels like it belongs to Blender and Cycles. Or maybe Gears ?