Array tools, all in one for translation, scale and rotation array

I also noticed that from time to time, the addon creates a rectangle (dunno why) and then it shows an error:
I am using blender-2.83-dc3f073d1c52-windows64.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\xan2622\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\array_tools-master\”, line 49, in execute
File “C:\Users\xan2622\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\array_tools-master\”, line 279, in at_del_all
RuntimeError: Error: Object ‘Sphere’ not in collection ‘Array_collection1’

location: :-1

These last two errors might have occurred because I tested your addon with a Blender 2.83 Daily Build.
I have reverted to the stable 2.81a and I will, from now on, test your addon with stable releases. Sorry if I wasted your time, Elreenys.

Yes it’s a bit early for Blender 2.83 but at least I have improve the addon thanks to you. :wink:


Seem like a nice addon to make rock cliff and mesa + sword pommel!

Excellent addon , nice work

For the radial array can this be done in the future ;

And maybe some random mask ;


The first two examples can already be achieve if the origin of the reference object is moved to an extremity plus random on the second if it’s not a recurrence.
The third can be done in two times but adding a repeating pattern can be nice. And I like the random mask.


Excellent , do you have some example how this can be done , if you have time for it :grinning:

I made a small video to show you.


Thanks for the excellent tutorial :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Really nice tool, thanks a lot! :+1:
In spite of all its capacities (and of my limited knowledge of it) I have not been able to do what I am looking for. I would like to create an array of objects on a circle, as you did on the video right above, but will all these objects still aligned to the world (or to a given direction).
Not sure it is possible at the moment. :thinking: What if we had an option to pick a reference object for the direction? All the objects of the array would match the same absolute orientation (it is not a look at) and the offsets and randoms could be added on top of that.

Hi and welcome,
If I understood correctly, you want copies to be in same direction as the reference object.
For this, once you made your settings and click on the done button, go to object properties tab (on the right of Blender) right click on an rotation axis and choose “copy all to selected”. And tadaa, your objects are all in the same orientation.

I was wondering if in the future it would be possible to run an array on all selected objects not just the active one?

First I need to improve the memory management. It is not optimized for this.

A new small update is here !

  • Possibility to choose rotation orientation : reference object’ local axis or global axis (world space)
    (no automatic update, choose orientation then the axis)

  • Remove objects randomly
    Choose the number of elements to remove, click the mask button until you’re happy with the result.
    (Objects are hidden from viewport but will be delete when the done button is click).


Hi, bug report.
Manually setting the value of Number of row (arraytools _ prop.row) directly to 0 causes the add-on to stop working.
In this state, there are no error statements and the add-on will not work until you simply restart Blender.
When I pressed Cancel again, I got the following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:~~AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\array_tools_1-3-0\”, line 51, in execute
File “C:~~AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\array_tools_1-3-0\”, line 269, in at_del_all
ref_name = cfg.atools_objs[0][0]
IndexError: list index out of range

location: :-1

After this error occurred, pressing Done released the frozen state.

Thanks for reporting, I will correct this.


Thank you varray varray much! :smile:
I really missed the 3Ds max options in blender, so your work is very much appreciated!

Kind regards

Hi Red karate squirl, again thank you so much for all your work.
I played around a bit and had some weird issues which I will look into a bit further… for now one question: blenders native array tool let you edit the original object to have what ever edit you do be applied to all copies of the array. Is that also possible with your array tool?

Kind regards

Hi and welcome,
I’m not sure to like my nickname but whatever :smirk:.
By default, “copies” are link (or duplicate if you work with 3dsm… ) so it is possible to modify one the mesh even after the “done” button.
But be careful, as the addon won’t manage undo you could have weird results.

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Thanks Elreenys. Appreciate the work you’ve done here.