Arrimus3D channel - all vids set to private and now uploading Christian content?

In the end… it’s his channel… and as long as someone who pays for his products gets what someone pays for then his gender, color of skin, religion or whatever is… irrelevant… Isn’t it ?
Any specualtions about this is… (celebrity) gossip ??

@Musashidan its blame for my presence here. :grin:
So he saved one soul from the Autodesk slavery :blush:


Yep, that’s accurate.
I guess Arrimus had some private life problems, got hooked by some Christian “prophets” and in life of those converted or “new born” people it’s going to extreme degree like burning blasphemous medias (books, paintings), insistent beliefes spreading etc. Often those behaviors are going to weaken over time.

I got nothing to people’s own life, but the way he is making a change in his channel is:

  1. Strange - were preceded by weird statement like:

you guys don’t think you can get this good at 3D modelling without having to pay a price do you? Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the price to be paid

  1. Harmful - his videos were viewed by all kinds of people (Orthodox, Muslim, Atheist etc.), he’s going to lose those subscribers and he is dividing people by his aggressive stance. It would be better if he links it to his other channel or make it in more appealing way.

  2. Misleads subscribers - people subscribed to 3D content channel, not to religious zealot stuff. Sudden content swaping and deleting everything else is unfair and fraudulent.

It’s better to end something in a good manner (like Brackeys). Arrimus chose the most wrong way that is possible.
Nothing last forever - someone remember Grant Warwick? (Mastering Modeling & Material classes, now doing some crypto shit). VisCorbel? (Austris Cingulis, he suddenly stopped posting new stuff).


Grant Warwick made $500,000 from those Vray courses, right before brute force raytracing became the norm and everything he taught about the Vray renderer became pretty much obsolete. :joy: I took his mastering materials course and it was quality content though, for that time.


Well, in fairness to these groups, at least they’re honest in their beliefs. They actually stick to those ancient rules. Most Christians are ‘a-la-carte’ - cherry picking what suits and throwing the rest away because it’s an inconvenience. As deluded as I think pure Abrahamic believers are, at least I admire their principles regarding their faith.

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Yeah, followed his youtube stuff, but he definitely got caught up by technology and advances in the software he thaught. Nowadays no-one would advise you to learn 3ds Max by slicing a cube apart and to randomly delete stuff to then build it back as a cube. That’s not how you learn about topology anymore. :rofl:


His fundamentals were sound, but it was back in a time when people were still obsessed with the ‘cult of the all-quad mesh’, and subD modeling was by far the most popular approach for almost everything. :smile:


Yes and no actually if you are referring to the laws under the old covenant. There were three categories of law which were civil, ceremonial, and moral. We see in the New Testament that we are no longer bound to the first two categories, that those at least were just for the Hebrew people (for the purpose of maintaining purity and to illustrate what was to come in the future). The moral laws meanwhile are commands that are to be followed now and forever, since they are repeated in the New Testament for starters. There are other nuances in terms of instructions found elsewhere in the New Testament, but that is likely out of scope for this thread.

Then again, you have followers of certain things like ‘Hebrew Roots’ which believe that the civil laws and to a lesser extent, the ceremonial laws are still in effect and need to be followed (as such they don’t do things like consume pork products).

Guys, stop debating religions / people’s adherence to religions / your personal feelings about X or Y religion on this thread. As I’ve already said, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and some of these posts are dangerously veering towards misinformation, propaganda, or extremism. Clean up the discussion and stay on topic or the thread will be closed

That’s right, V-Ray course is pretty obsolete today, but his modelling movies are not that irrelevant (besides things you mentioned), subd is still a thing in 3D.

The lightning course was suddenly ended, there was some kind of family dispute in his life (with his brohter). Changing bank accounts, emails etc. and some other turmoils. He was also training martial arts so he was unable to make tutorials at the same time. People were quite outraged for paying and not receiving next lessons. I don’t remember but probably he returned some cash to people.
And then he dissapeared for long time, creating some music/mixes.

Suddenly, he’s on board on some nft shitty game. And that’s the end of story.

Point taken, but in fairness it’s at the very centre of the subject of the thread(and the title too) I understand that these things often go off topic and get heated, but we’re all civil here and these are just opinions. Accusing us of ‘extremism’ is in itself a very extreme thing to do. :smile:


“Veering towards”, nothing has actually crossed the line yet :slight_smile:


I had left the course at that stage, but his brother was handling all the admin so they obviously ended up falling out over money. I don’t think he ever dreamed that he was going to make that much money off those courses. Money can do terrible things to people. Yes, he was pretty deep into boxing training at that time.

100%. I use it all the time, but back then it was THE thing. :grinning:


Be slow to anger and slow to speak, speaking off the cuff in a rapid manner is what often gets people in trouble, and is a notable factor in why glorified chat sites like Discord tend to become dumpster fires.

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I think it’s a phenomenon of the internet in general. People behave in appalling ways online, that they would never engage in in the real-world/in person. There’s a very good reason for the term ‘keyboard warrior’.

We are also in a time of ‘hyper-sensitivity’. Anything and everything seems to upset adults at the drop of a hat. It has reached ludicrous levels on infantility.


I can’t even get the vid titles to show up, anybody willing to post a list?

I frequently can’t access YT from where I’ll be doing tutorials, so I’ll download. I’ve got a bunch of Blender tut vids, but no idea if any are his. Given a title list I can try to check.

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This is the best I can get:

That all of it?

Yeah, the Video and Playlist pages don’t have any content

I wasn’t asking about content, but if that was all of the titles – are there any more pages you can screenshot?

Looks like I haven’t downloaded any of those, but I have Arrimus 3D - Frequently Asked Questions on Topology.mp4, file date April 19th 2021, filesize 30.42M. Not sure where best to put it for our archivers.