I’ve bought access to an asset library, and I’m storing that library locally to be used with Blenders asset library. However, each asset is saved in a separate .blend file, making it a huge pain to organise each asset into specific catalogues. There are hundreds of assets and in order to organise it I would have to open each individual file, move the assets into the appropriate catalog, save the blend file, and move on to the next file. I have about 500 assets to be organised currently, saved in ~200 separate files, with a lot more to come.
The asset library comes with its own asset manager, which organises itself into categories based on the folder structure the files are saved in, and that works great, but I’d like to have these assets in Blenders asset manager since I’ve already built up quite a library in there of my own.
Is there any way I can move assets into different catalogues, without having to open the blend files of those assets? I’m sure this is possible with some relatively basic scripting, but I have essentially 0 scripting experience inside Blender.
At the moment I’m using Asset Management addon and I’m quite happy with it.
It’s flexible and you can organize and easily reorganize everything, if you see that you something need changes in the future.
But also the other one suggested me in that thread is fine and it has also a trial version so you can test it.
Mmh when I click your link it says the page doesn’t exist or is private. That said, I’d like to find a solution where I can use Blenders default asset library since I’ve already spent a lot of time over the years building a large library there. Transferring everything over to a different library unfortunately isn’t really a feasible solution for me. Worst case, I would use the asset manager plugin that came with the library I bought since it’s quite decent, but ideally, I would like everything to be accessed from the Blender asset library.
TrueAsset is the way to go. Saved my life! You just have to have a viable plan on how to organize everything.
Since I still haven’t figured out how to move assets within the AB without shoving files around and copying “some code” from cats files into “some other cats files, somewhere”, other than not getting any real answers on this and I find that everything else than user friendly and intuitive. True Assets at least lets you move around freely within their own system (which is directly inside the AB) - so you create your folders within True Assets and use that AB structure.
I haven’t used it in a while, since all the new, magical “crises” have dried up all my Archviz work, so maybe that was enhanced somewhat. But the Cycles preview renders alone that even allow you changing the VP are worth it.
Right! I haven’t had the time yet to check out the addon properly, but is it something that replaces the native blender asset library or is it integrated within the blender asset library? IE. would this allow me to use a folder structure-based organising approach for some assets, and the default blender catalogues simultaneously?
I have choosen another asset manager addon but now the problem is more related to asset library organization and, from my point of view, a tag system is useful to organize assets.
As a 3dmodel (or an environment texture) could be placed in more than one category, I think that the feature to tag the 3dmodel is the first useful tool to use.
Unfortunately, in the asset manager I’ve choosen, this is not yet developed…I hope one day they’ll add.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to use as few categories (aka folders) as I could.
Just my 2 cents… I hope to read something else from others…
OP’s question is how to get Blender’s Asset Browser itself to do this, the answers are variations on “try this addon!” – yep, frustrating. Assets in hundreds of different blend files (often in multiple nested folders), which is the most likely use case, doesn’t seem to have been considered by the devs – if the current or projected future cat system can feasibly handle this I haven’t spotted anybody saying how.
In TrueAssets, separate folders are being created for the objects, materials or whatever else you want to “assetize” - but that’s about it. The rest is also managed in the cat files, but at least you can move stuff around within this system.
Blender AB was released head over heels to satisfy people screaming for it. I’m absolutely thankful it’s there, but it left me with a huge mess, because I didn’t think things through, and I don’t know if that’s even possible in man cases. I’d expect simple drag & drop functionality, like it basically misleads you to think there is in the very beginning
This is what you get - I never used tags and I absolutely agree. It should be possible to have them in more categories. Tagging was just too much work for me, since I literally use thousands of assets, depending on the job, so I organized everything in folders and subfolders.
The greatest challenge yet for me is loading time. I don’t know why it’s so hard to call a gallery with thumbnails that are linked to a blend, but I know nothing about coding. I’m just used to good usability.
It works like this:
You see the TrueAssets folders. Inside of those, you get this:
Then you get a context menu like this:
So you can see what works within the “TrueAssets” framework by the name next to the item.
You can create folders inside the system while you create the assets and also create subfolders while doing so. This is imo how the AB should work in the basic form. Which it doesnt without huge obstacles (I don’t know, I may be too stupid, yes, indeed, or the functionality may have been altered in the meantime). Just not user friendly