ATB / High quality assets models for Archviz 🏘

I am EAGERLY awaiting this project. The furniture you posted looks amazing, and I know there are TONS of people salivating over this collection. I will gladly pay good money for this collection, but you should offer blenderartists commenters some discount :slight_smile: PS- please let me know if you are accepting models - I have modeled a couple of interior designs/details that I think could work here. Best of luck and please release this SOON!

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Hi @homiegmomma thanks for your words!
We wil have a great launch price I think! Idea is to have it accesible to people will like to use it.
So far we are not accepting models as we are working on certain way and will be difficult to adapt things to this!
We are working to release it ASAP.


what kind of models do you produce and what are your prices? Do you have a website – I do ARCHVIZ and I am ALWAYS looking for good furniture models

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Hi @Taholmes160

Basically we are Archvisualizers, and this whole idea came to bring to the blender comunity a good (or another), asset collection for arhictecutral visualizers to blender.
As almost all people on this forum once you try blender you get in love with it, and me being a Max user for more than 15 years I still use it. Every time I’m able to do a project in blender I enjoy it like nothing else. But some times collections and good stuff is difficult to find.
And there is we want to bring this from users to users understanding the needs!

We will release the the first step of the collection then 3 times more it will be in 4 steps, after that we will sell the models indivitually too.

So far we have instagram and twitter

@atblender both
and @calvelomasroldan for some archviz jobs

Thank you!

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Hey brother,

I’m only really doing this as a hobby and am fairly new, so it isn’t much yet. So far a bunch of picture frames with my own photography, recessed hi-hat lights, gfi wall outlet, vinyl turntable, speakers, windows, door frames, and I’ve done one kitchen so far with appliances. It’s not nearly at the level of quality that Pato is producing but I’m hoping to get there one day. If you look at my latest post in Works in Progress you can see the very few things I’ve made. If you want something I may be in the mood to share… 😁



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I don’t mean to annoy you but I am really interested in your assets, judging by the images you released to date. Is a July release still the estimate?

Hi @spicy_studios,

We are working hard to make things done. We really want a good quality and set things and everythign takes a lot of time. We find last times few months of no much activity but now we re arranged forces to make it more fast and smooth, plus we are working on an addon with the models! Ill update this post more often now!



Here a post with some detail shoots made almost enrailry with this model collection!

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Sorry for the people following this but we were more active on instagram @atblender!

Ill Post more soon a lot of stuff!

We are trying to get to the 250 Models to launch and is taking some time! and we will add some parametric functionalities!

Collection N1 will be focused on Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Room!
We are walking in all kind of stuff for this spaces, as example a lot of accesories!

Like headphones, notebooks, phones! and much more!

stay tuned!



This all looks amazing. Why not release, whatever is ready, as an “early access” with the starter pricing. Then you can add the last items in peace and some people will already use the models as they are now and you’ll have some great images for your full product launch.
Just my two cents.

I am desperately looking for high quality models as we are switching from VRay (Max->Modo) and there are shittons of models everywhere. Really missing something like 3D Sky for Blender


Thank you for your words! we are trying to be as quick as possible and yes release is being pushed… and pushed and that is something we dont like much, and we know perfect is enemy of good, but we need to finish some stuff to release something coherent with the original idea!

I will send a post soon to ask what do you think a potencial price to this collection!



Hey buddy! Hope all is good. What is happening with this amazing project? Please tell me it will be released soon!

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Hi! @homiegmomma

Sorry for the silence and quiet mood here. We are working hard to make a huge progress!
Idea even if we deleyed many time is to releas for the Blender conference this year!

Thanks for asking!

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I am looking forward to your release! I currently use poliigon and iMesh assets. I am always looking for additional assets to implement into my arch viz workflow.
For decor items it is much easier to use semi-staged items, for examples, books and vases already laid out on a coffee table.
I would also love the option to quickly use 1k or 2k versions because background assets can quickly hog all the resources if everything is 4k textures.
Great work!

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That is exactly the idea, we don´t want to compete with other assets libraries but add more options to people doing Archviz or any other branch of CGI. Actually I have started this project for that reason, to expand my library!



To notify all we are working hard to make it happen for the Blender Conference 2023. We will be there trying to make people know :partying_face: . We are working on some exciting features for the add-on :sun_with_face:

I would share soon everything that we will release on the Collection Nº1 and I would like to make a poll to ask for what would be a reasonable price for it :dollar: ! are you up for it? :person_raising_hand:



Guys! would be lovely to have some feedback here :pray: :smiley:

As you know you will need to see some prevs to get more exited about the whole proyect :star_struck: here I attach some!

BarStools :chair: :

Beds! :bed:

Uploading: ATB_Beds_001_d.png…
Uploading: ATB_Beds_001_e.png…

Uploading: ATB_Beds_001_b.png…

Ceiling lamps :diya_lamp:



Guys! would be lovely to have some feedback here :pray: :smiley: Still looking for it :smile:

Some more previews! :star_struck:




These assets look very good… a lot of us have long been eagerly anticipating this release… I think it may make more sense to just start releasing models as selling this as an entire collection will inevitably price a lot of people out. It’s also a shame, considering I would have loved to purchase a lot of these assets for over a year now but have instead went for other models (3d shaker, iMeshh) which are also of great quality and keep consistently releasing new products.

lastly - my 2 cents, it would be very helpful if these models include different types of windows, doors, door hardware, moldings, power outlet etc as those contribute to the realism of archviz renders and few people have done them right…


Thank for the feedback very much appreciated :star_struck:

We know we are pushing and pushing the release, but one of the main ideas is to release around +/-300 models on no more then around Usd 69 / 89 for a single user. The philosophy of this launch is to help people to ger more quality assets to do archviz, from my own experience there are models of quality as you mentioned, but we need much more! :partying_face: Plus we want to add some functionalities!


PS: for what you mention of doors as example we are thinking on another vol. in this one focus is Bedroom, Dining and Living rooms.

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