AutoHotkey users – Need Help Improving Blenders MMB Navigation

In a nutshell, I want to fix Blender’s MMB navigation so that you don’t have to release MMB between mode switching, going from either Orbit, Pan or Zoom mode to another mode instantly. I recall Maya had this way of navigating back in the days, where it instantly jumped to any other mode when switching modifier keys while still holding down the main navigation button, which I believe was RMB.

I’ve made a request for help on Reddit, but thought I’d seek the attention of my fellow Blenderers who happen to also use AutoHotkey. Please see my Reddit post. I think this script could be really cool to see.

(Disclaimer: Any solution to this particular question relates to Windows users only, since AutoHotkey only works for that platform. But I’d encourage any further attempt making a similar solution for other platforms as well, pehaps using the possible solution to my request as a template.)

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