Automatically delete geometry inside a volume?

Hello everyone,
I am working on a new project where I use the array modifier a lot to build a (relatively) complex shape. See below:

The process is simple: build a big volume through an array of cubes on the 3 axis, delete some cubes, place some rounded edges where it fits, etc.
In the end, I want to make it a nice clean mesh that I can bevel, displace and so on. Therefore I need to get rid of all vertices and faces not contributing to the external shape.

What I tried with some success so far:

  • Select things manually - not impossible, but I’m sure there should be a better way
  • Select all faces from solid view and invert the selection (sort of works, feels hacky, what if I miss one)
  • Remesh, but only the voxel method gives me the result I want, but the curves are not nicely meshed anymore
  • Select all by traits → inside face: despite the encouraging label, does not seem to work

Appreciate your suggestions!

Maybe 3DPrint-Toolbox helps (built-in addon)

In Edit-mode, hit “Check All”, hitting “Non-Manifold Edges” selects all inside edges and faces.
X - delete, only edges and faces. Done

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Thanks! 3D printing there to save me :smiley: Appreciate your answer :heart: