B2RizomUV Import Export Bridge

Hey, Blender community!

RizomUV is an incredible piece of software and I really wanted to use it with blender efficiently. So I learned Python over the weekend to build my first addon. Currently, the addon is automatic in the sense that you set up the options beforehand inside of Blender and hit the “Auto Unfold!” button that sends it off to unfold to be auto seamed, cut, unfolded, and packed! A few seconds later the model is reimported and the UVs and transferred back to the original model!

Please feel free to give any feedback! As mentioned I just got into Python for the first time, and I’m eager to learn more tips and tricks for improving the addon!

Enjoy! And thanks for the excellent software!

I’m currently working on getting more of the settings into Blender so you have more control over the automatic process! :slight_smile:

—> https://gumroad.com/l/YaKjy <—

How to install:

  • Download zip from Github
  • Blender -> File -> User Preferences
  • Add-ons -> Install Add-on from File…
  • Select the downloaded zip
  • Set the path to the Unfold3D exe/.app in the preferences of the addon (uncheck relative path)
  • Save User Settings
  • Enjoy! You’ll find the options under the Tool Shelf (T)


This is magic, thank you for making this available!

In the CG world, there are two kinds of people:

People who have discovered Unfold3d, and people who aren’t doing UV unwrapping right.

Amazing! Thank!

Haha, yeah you are totally right! I appreciate the kind words! Remember to keep an eye out for improvements and updates until I get the auto updater implemented!:slight_smile:

There are 3 py files in the addon folder. 2 are update files. How do you install this addon? I am using 2.79.Thanks

I think you need Unfold3D.


Hi, i have this error when “Auto Unfold”

Path configured

Does anyone know anything about Unfold3D?

I installed unfold3d and now blender will not run. Why? Thanks

Seems like you might have included the Unfold.exe in the path. That’s a mistake on my part. I should have specified that the user can select the .exe file themselves. Currently, you only have the specify the path to the folder containing the .exe - I thought this would be better since often I find a programs folder to be large and time-consuming to find a specific file. Therefore I added a system that runs through the whole file and finds it for you :smiley:

Here is a picture for reference:

I am not quite sure what you have done during the installation process not to be able to run Blender anymore. If you cannot launch the Blender application anymore, I would suggest making a clean reinstall of it. As for installing my plugin. If you follow my instructions, it should work just fine :slight_smile:

Has anybody else had trouble getting this addon to install? If you have can you post about it here. If you have had success installing it can you post here as well. Thanks

I can’t get a decent unwrap out of this, even a simple cube unwrapped with sharp edges fails… It comes back with an uv map but it’s just a square.

I would recommend reading up on the UV Tools and seam placement algorithms in Unfold3D so you can properly set up the respective settings in Blender. From the current feedback, I can see that users have a hard time using the addon, so I will be making a small tutorial soon on how to use it, install it etc. For now, you can see what each setting does by hoving the mouse of the setting :slight_smile:

I have the same problem. Sometimes it works with random objects. But most of the time the add-on does its work in unfod3d, then closes it, and when I again select the object and switch to the editing mode the UV does not change or turns into a square on the whole area

Exactly. With a cube there is not much you can do wrong settings-wise. It’s not that I get bad unwraps, it’s that I get completely wrong unwraps which look like something went wrong either inside the script in unfold3d or with the transfer back. I also sometimes get something like a “list out of range” python error in Blender after using the addon a couple of times.

Exactly. With a cube there is not much you can do wrong settings-wise. It’s not that I get bad unwraps, it’s that I get completely wrong unwraps which look like something went wrong either inside the script in unfold3d or with the transfer back. I also sometimes get something like a “list out of range” python error in Blender after using the addon a couple of times.

I have the same problem. Sometimes it works with random objects. But most of the time the add-on does its work in unfod3d, then closes it, and when I again select the object and switch to the editing mode the UV does not change or turns into a square on the whole area

Can you both try getting the latest version of the addon off my Github. I hope I have fixed the problem. I have also added more featured for manual unwrapping using the tools provided by Unfold3D :slight_smile:

i install the plugin but it’s not appear in the addons list

You need to put ‘B2Unfold.py’ from zipped folder ‘Addon’ to your blender’s add-ons folder. Two other files (addon_updater.py, addon_updater_ops.py) are not necessary. Instead you must rename ‘B2Unfold.py’ to ‘init.py’.

seghier, put the three .py files into /scripts/addons, when I had them in a folder it wouldn’t work for me either