Hello !
So I find a way to manage something but it’s a very different approach, you’ll tell me if that can work for you !
It’s probably possible to build it the way it’s originally build, I suppose based on the 4 points you made, but TBH trigonometry isn’t my strong point so I found a different way.
The blend :
test_voutes2.blend (3.7 MB)
A rectangle as input shape and the generated arches :
How it works is quite simple, we use a mesh to point set to edge to have one point per edge, right in the center of each edge.
But before that we capture a vector made of each edge’s points :
That way we know the length of each edge and their orientation, so it’s just a matter of instancing an arch shape :
How the arch shape is made is quite simple too :
It’s just an Arc curve that is symetrized :
But before doing the symetry, we need to do two things :
1/ make sure the top part is always aligned with the center (Y location = 0) ,
2/ and also that the bottom part is always at 0.5 in X location.
That way the arch once symetrised will always have a size of 1 ( -0.5 → 0.5 in X) so it’s easier to scale it along the the edges.
So how do we do that in the laziest possible way ? :
We take the bounding box of the curve plugged into a map range !
Last part is just about symetry, and merging the two curves :
And all that goes into a nodegroup for better control , and look at that you can even build medieval Mc Donald’s :
Hopes that helps !