Sorry for this useless topic
I just made it for reminding me my posts and all the things of interrest i can find here.
It’s not open to discussion and except if you laugh at me & my defective memory, i won’t answer you
Happy blending !
My mains:
Carcass : Carcassonne Medieval city
Around Carcass : Carcassonne texture and material works
Vegetation with ivy: IVY addon small changes - #11 by JuhaW
THE savior: https://github.com/nalexandru/BlenderCompat -
My alts:
Important on links & materials linked to object: 2.8+ linked objects BIG problem
Terminator : After Blender Terminator, I found Blender Predator :D ( AO node bug ? )
older termi : Some kind of bug ? or am stoopid ! ( mebe i am :P )
heightmap bake: Heightmap bake with cycles
Termi again : Wrongly rendered triangles
Fireflies : Always fireflies in cycles bakes. How to get rid of them? —> just switch to 2.9 u stoopid
fireflies tryouts: Light clamp inefficient
fireflies again: Cycles noisy bakes
Aged wood modeling: Making awesome aged wood
Outline shader ( with examples ): B3.2 - Outline shader in cycles
Broken arches from GN: B3.2: Broken arches modeling -
My interests:
Medieval arch : Roman and Medieval European Architecture
Lidar data: How to decimate planar faces of the house based on mesh from LIDAR point cloud data?
Magic UV: I suddenly became dumb: magic UV & Magic UV
awesome trees: Modular Tree GeoTree: Procedural Trees in Geometry Nodes
LOD system Proxify a Proxy system for Blender
Another Math plotter: Math Graph Shader -
Mandatory usefull things for modeling, UV, texture & baking:
multiple obj UV select: Forgotten tools
Amazing, awesome, crazy, incredible blendies:
make movements real: Wiggle bones (a jiggle bone implementation for 2.8)
About 2.9:
2.9 keys: 2.9 key shortcuts
also: 2.9: the art of keyboard shortcuts - #6 by pitibonom for solid <—> texture toggle
linked objs : Some kind of bug ? or am stoopid ! ( mebe i am :P )
linked objs color: 2.9 Linked object have same color
a 2.9 bug : Solid wiewport display problem (2.9) -
python things : ( at wich i’m so bad
dup hierarchy including hidden objs: B3.2 addon release: duplicate an object's full hierarchy including hidden-in-viewport children
chek linked objs : How to check whether object is linked
Projectors creation: Question on copying children objects to other parents
Custom properties copy from active to selected: [Addon] Copy Custom Properties - #30 by pitibonom a MUST-HAVE !!!
Automated bake sequence: B3.2: automatic bake sequence
Per image annotations: B3.2: per-image annotations
Writing pixels on images: B3.2: writing annotations to texture pixels -
My follows:
THE mount: Mont Saint Michel in 3D
Great trees: Modular Tree
Sky+stars: ClearSky - Procedural Sky Generator [Free Download]
geometry from nodes: [WIP] Sverchok, parametric nodes for architects