I’m working with some aged wood ( in gimp ) and i was wondering wether someone did aged wood that looks like wood, in the procedural way.
What i dream of ? is something like this:
EDIT: this one ( small ) texture comes from… err… texture.com i guess and i worked it a bit for enhancing cracks and adding lychens in gimp…
Why the procedural way as there a legions of aged wood textures on the web ?
Because most of them are too small or shitty or expensive or not CCx or not my own work
I often dreamt making procedural things in blender and my 2 strongest needs go for aged bricks and aged wood.
So the 1st step:
did anyone make some procedural aged wood ?
2nd step:
Are there some nodes tuts that must be watched at for this kind of topic ?
Thanks in advance for all you help and happy blending !