Got a lot going on at the moment but I’m going to try and get this on Blendermarket soon.
Just need to collate all the right files and render out some gallery images (working on them now). I’ll add them to this thread along with some process pics
I’ll try to get the files organised to submit Rudi to a couple of 3D asset sites this weekend.
Been prepping gallery images and writing ‘blurb’, this is some of what I’m going with though the text will probably change
Just to show the raw Blender output produces an essentially finished render, here’s a Eevee viewport screengrab. However I always prefer some post production control
I’m trying to make a realtime version for sketchfab. Got this idea to make a sort of snowglobe but with stars. Not sure if it’ll work, I’ll see how I get on
Might as well add some of the W.I.P. pics to this thread, a more detailed breakdown is in the DinoReplicas Doodles 3D thread.
Wanted to get this on Sketchfab earlier but I’ve had a shocking cold, doesn’t take much to knock me down these days .
Couldn’t match the fur specular as well as I wanted. Maybe if I could focus, anyway this’ll do
Wrestled with sketchfab’s refraction settings but didn’t like the effect, in the end I just made the corneas completely invisible.