Baby Turtle

Hello BA, its been a while. Here is a character that I designed and modelled a while back, and it was nice to finally finish it.

Modelled in Blender+Zbrush.
Texturing in Substance Painter and all the rendering was done in Cycles.

My day job is making models for games so I used to this project as way to test out UDIM and displacement map workflow since I normally dont get to do that.


Wow love this! :heart_eyes:

Love the eyes. I always feel like 3D eyes are the hardest to get right. :+1:

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Anmol Maithani Thanks!

BigBlend yeah the eyes can be tricky. It took me a bit of experimentation to get them right. My wife happens to be a concept artist so she helped me quite a bit and suggested making the eyes like that.

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This looks phenomenal!! I’m curious to see the shading on this!!! Blown me away.

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Very cute!

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Fantastic work, although I was completely expecting some swimming animation when I pressed play on that last one :smiley:


Very expressive! That’s one happy little turtle :slight_smile:

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Michael_Render thanks, its was mostly just a lot of manual painting +baking out good usable maps from the high poly sculpt. Shading wise it was just a principal shader with SSS + displacement, nothing too special.
But the eyes did have a bit of shading setup. You probably cant make it out from the screenshot, but it was just some procedural textures wrapped around the iris of the eye.

@AprilD.Shelton thanks :slight_smile:

@blenderrocket haha, yeah that would have been nice. I’m not an animator so that is my excuse :stuck_out_tongue:
it would be nice if someone offered to animate it

@bartv that was what I was going for :smiley: I have a lot of small nieces and nephews so I just wanted to make something they would like. The colours were actually chosen by my niece based on some colour concepts I painted


Great job! The texturing and shading are quite astounding!


(higg pitched voice) Ohhh how cccuuutttte … looookk it’s loookiing at meee while it moves…

Ahemm – (much lower voice now) well what cani say… WOW…

Thanks for the insight look in your workspace… adds a lot of +'s for you :wink:

…and all the time the video is playing as loop and full screen on my second monitor… (pitch is going high again…) UUUUIIIIII

really cute, I too was hoping to see him flapping about in the video!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


That’s the cutest turtle I have ever seen :heart_eyes:

Super fun, love it!