How to vote
- Pick up to three of your favorite images
- Results will be made visible after you have cast your vote.
- To change your vote, click ‘Show vote’, update your choice and click ‘Vote now!’
- Voting ends on midnight, January 2nd (Amsterdam).
- 1 - Baby Turtle by ktysdal
- 2 - Magic Squid by Denis Gauder
- 3 - Sunflower fox by abdoubouam
- 4 - Candied chestnuts stall opening by Yao Chan
- 5 - Tiny Artist Studio! by Brice Eljeji
- 6 - Giraffe character model by agvart
- 7 - Pepa & Lola by Sophie Jantak
- 8 - Becky the Border Collie by Amy Wozny
- 9 - Silesaurus - 2023 version by Joanna Kobierska
- 10 - Johahn by Sebastian
- 11 - Fishmens design Peter de Seve by Jérémy Pajot
- 12 - Pirate Turtle by Jérémy Pajot
- 13 - Ballad of the Night Prince by Joe McDowall
- 14 - Monkey King by Jérémy Pajot
- 15 - Procedural fish animation by Jörg Grubmüller
- 16 - Pirate Octopus by Miguel Pacheco
- 17 - Nick’s Neck Problem by Murad Rama
- 18 - Animals & Patterns by ArturSzygulski
- 19 - DR-Robot Telescope Goldfish
by mbrand
- 20 - Kawaii Axolotl by Marcy Liando
- 21 - I created a Panda by Defo Q
- 22 - Halloween Troops by Miguel Pacheco
- 23 - Cute but deadly - Little Owl by pleebs
- 24 - Tree Defender - grease pencil painting by Sophie Jantak
- 25 - Wyvern by Piotr Gajda
- 26 - Autumn Cafe by Yao Chan
- 27 - Cute Mushroom character by Obaidur Rahman
- 28 - Lion 3d model by Anestis Eralidis
- 29 - Fire salamander by Zack Ciminera
- 30 - Animated Dung beetle by Zack Ciminera
Congratulations to @ktysdal, @DeGa, @abdoubouam, @magicwand, @brice.eljeji, @Angel_Vazquez, @sophiejantak, @PinkTortoise, @Joanna_Kobierska, @echtjetze,,, @joe.mcdowall,, @joergsla, @Mikhael_Pacheco, @Muradrama, @ArturSzygulski, @mbrand, @therandomcannonball, @defo.q, @Mikhael_Pacheco, @pleebs, @sophiejantak, @Panthalonik, @magicwand, @CGObaid, @Anestis_Eralidis, @Zacxophone, @Zacxophone for being nominated!