Ballad of the Night Prince

Hi everyone, I have been working on this personal project on and off for the last couple months that I would love to share with you.

Ballad of the Night Prince

Within the moonlit glade, an extraordinary sight unfolds. A tall, elegant frog dons a resplendent attire, adorned with a crimson coat and a crown of shimmering gold. This is the Night Prince, a majestic amphibian who possesses a remarkable gift. As the evening mist settles, he perches atop a large lily pad, recorder in hand, ready to play beautiful music with his trusty frogling choir.

Almost everything was made with Blender other than a couple of textures and the water ripples and background image which were painted in Krita.

Here are some alternative renders:

Uploading: frog-prince-render-prince.png…

Off the back of my last project - I knew I wanted to do more with animation and music. I’ve had this idea of a tall - long legged frog playing music in the back of my mind for some time. Rupert and the Frog Song was an animation musical my sister and I watched when we were little and I always wanted to do something like this.

After searching different audio providers for a background track I landed on this piece called Waltzing in Fantasy Land sold by pond5.

I love when music ties into animation and in this track I could see the interplay between the prince and froglings. It also helped that the music had a number of suitable looping points.

After animating the frogs, everything else in the scene seemed rigid, so I decided to animate everything to give the scene some life.

This involved hand animating the water ripples in Krita.

In the future I plan on uploading this project to Sketchfab. The spherical structure of the scene was chosen for this reason. I hope it would make an interesting model to rotate and observe in the browser.

Here are some early renders that show some of the initial idea blocking and progress:

I hope you like it!

Any comments, questions or thoughts please feel free to leave them below :slight_smile:



This is so nnnice on mmmultiple levels… sadly i can only lllike it once…


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Oh brilliant, thank you!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Thanks @bartv :slight_smile:

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Very nice animation. Unfortunately, very short.

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this enchanting artwork!

Do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the step-by-step process of creating the artwork and provides insight into animation in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn

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That’s pretty cool, the frogs are cute.


This is so incredible and fun on so many levels, I love how it’s all contained in one ball which is on top of the plant, I love the little frogs they’re all so cute and adorable and holdable, the frog prince has so much character, the animation is so nice, the environment is so stylized and beautifully crafted. Everything about this is just AMAZING

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Blown away by your kind words @IvyKnight, thank you! I really appreciate it!