baking in 2.6 possible for hex bolts ?

nice little video thanks for the link

but i don’t understand he gets the Z value on bottom header ?
anyone care to explain how to select the object then see teh Zvalue from camera ?


at 2:40-2:50 he clearly defines about z value. the info is shown in render view, just click on the place , from where you want to get the z value.

in the render view itself
i see now i got it thanks

now when you make an alpha map like that it can be used in the sculpt tool as a brush
now is there a way to add at equal distance some of the bolt map or may be add a row of these bolt in sculpt mode?

or even be able to add it around a cylinder like in one of the pic i’v shown !

or may be simply i can make a high res model of my cylinder and add 100’s of rivets all around then bake it to a low poly cylinder to see what it would give!


Sculpting is a very essential tool for ogranic models.
For hard surfaces, you can use sculpting for scratches, damage, dents stuff like that.

What ever approach you take, the end result is only needed to bake the maps.

In sculpt mode, Set the STROKE to Space and Spacing% to desired number and experiment. if you are unable to put the rivets in straing line, then enable SMOOTH STROKE option.

dfid a test on one of the object with some wire around it

see pic

but results is almost good but not quit !

too much darken areas
i did increase the bias to 1 which is way higher then the model itself !

what can i do to improve this baking ?

i’ll test tomorrow the sculpt and see whwt i can get out of that one!


First of all why are you not using the particle system?

ok for which model are you talking about ?

i have the big cylinder with 100s of rivets
then the cylinder with some wire on it

then other with lot’s of bolts


i think this will help you :smiley:

there you have just to insert the write number of points I set 1000 because i don’t whant to count how much is 16x32 or somethinkg like that…

i see what you mean to distribute some bolts head
but the how do you control the location
by faces may be

like if it is on a big cylinder or could be other type of surfaces!

using particules does not really save verts count here !

i want to make a scene with a lot of these machines which includes lot’s of rivets and bolts
and tryng to figure out a way to reduce verts count as much as possible
so that i can render in a reasonable time and not take a few days !LOL


i was looking at sculpt texture pating with alpha map
but this may not be a way to save verts count cause you need to subdivide your object a lot anyway
so not a good way to save V count!

baking might be a way but again with normal map you are stilllimited to set camera at a same angle it was make in the baking process
so not certain anymore how i can save a lot of verts !


It’s saves? Because i have one plane that count 400k polygo and i use particle to copy it and i set 100 such planes. and my PC didn’t crush but when i just duplicate it by layer 3 times so i have 3 planes for 400k it crash…

but how do you control where the bolts appear is it per faces ?

see pic in post one and 9

but there is also the baking of wire over a cylinder
which is not working at all !


here is a machine i’m working on

lot’s of bolts

how to save verts ?

and you see only 1/2 of it !

and in the room i have 4 machines like that
so it makes a scene a little crowded with bolts !


realistically, if you are modeling it for an animation, it is going to work, with saving of vert here and there. for a game, you don’t need this much details.
By the way, why go for pure realism? cut corners.

well it has be be realist i mean it is a real mecahnical room with real equipments
and i like to model real 3D things

but figuring the best way to minimise verts count by using fake is an option

but which method can help the most is the question ?


Actually, do you really need any baking? This is done as a proof of concept, did the bolt as detailed as i could :), one pipe connection is about 0.5 mil verts if i recall, all done on this pocket eee pc. Make your rivets/bolts, set some helper geometry and just dupli them!
If this pc can handle near 10 mil (i had problems rotating that 0.5mil tube in solid mode [Intel Inside :)], as you can see, not placing or rendering), then one with more than 2GB RAM and more or less capable CPU should be ok with even bigger scenes.
Or you’re going for the animation? I hope then you wont be staring into one rivet with camera, will you? No need for millions then; make, fake what will be seen, nothing more.

well i’d like much later on to make a small camera path animation inside the mechanical room
but that’s for later on!

for now i 'm making let say medium res model of all the machines
and possibly try to make some lower res low poly using bake may be or else to get lower res model!

but wondering how good baking can help with normal map or other technics to help make loweply model but still get a nice rendering

and no i don’t really need to get shot super close to see bolt shead texture!LOL

jsut get the whole scene for the emcahnical room look like a real room with some smoothed surfaces and with lot’s fo small details
if possible in cycles to get a very nice render !

and probably do 2 scene one where i have no rust at all
and one where i can add some reusty steel all over just to see the difference in rendering!

so what are the best technics to save poly count and still get a good render!
with a medium PC with the intel g33 GPU which is not very powefull but a lot faster then donig it by software!

and i do have something like one room with 30 some large cylinder with 100 of rivets
this might i thnk be possible using baking but have to try it and see results later this weel!


Use instances of your bolt model and then you have have high poly counts with minimal impact on rendering time.

you mean to use Alt-D instead of Shift D to copy thing

is the particules method about same thing in terms of render time ?


Not exactly. Use Duplication on Object tab. Create circle, some 20 verts, set Duplication to Verts; add Bolt from addon and on Object tab for that in Relations set Parent as previously created circle. Do set Display as Bounds here too, otherwise you’re gonna kill your pc. Now, do this for every pipe joint you need. Some 1000 bolts with threads is easily doable like that (you probably don’t need threads at all).
Render times do not suffer much. See numbers on my previous post. That brownish barrels are covered in tiny rivets, each made out of 1/3 of sphere. See times. On a white one each bolt is stuffed with unnecessary loops on each and every possible place summing up into thousands of vertices for each one. Renders fast. Only inconvenience is to manage relative offsets and rotations for that bunch, but could be done with some fiddling.