Hi guys,
doing photogrammetry, and retopology, i am used of the baking system from 2.79. As i do until now, using the blender render engine thaty provide rthat option, “baking”>“texture”, (wich doesnt exist in cycles !)
My question is: will we have this option in 2.8, as the Brender will not be ported ?
will it be available for evee render ? we really need this feature.
please, correct me if it already exist in the pre-release of 2.8 (i cant find it), have a nice day
Hi Damian…
Bake is there, but textures only is not available i am looking for the feature to get a “baking texture” from one object to another… like the 2.79 blender render bake system !
you should have no issues with baking any kind of texture from one object to another ( I presume you want to bake the photogrammetry texture to a new image which has more sensible UV mapping on a cleaned mesh object ) - here’s a link to 2 posts that cover the primary methods:
I think the procedure is similar to 2.79 but with a small number of changes:
Instead of baking > texture, select baking > diffuse.
Step 1:
For the low poly object, set up the materials as in this video, and the UV layer:
For my test in 2.8 I used a Diffuse BSDF material, and the Cycles renderer.
Ignore the bake step in the video.
Step 2:
Select the high poly object, then the low poly object, and then go to Bake > Diffuse. Influence should only be Colour, and Selected to Active = true, and Ray Distance should be a small number, but not 0.
Apologies for poking an old thread, but could someone, anyone please tell me what I’m doing wrong? I’ve been trying to do this on a transparent object and every time, everything just comes out solid black.
I’m not sure it’s even possible to bake transparency (at least I never managed to make it work).
As a workaround color and alpha can be baked separately by plugging them into emission output one by one (into RGB and grayscale images respectively), and then combined into one RGBA image in compositor or any external image editor.