I made one of my favorite fictional characters- all the way from default cube to final pose
This was a huge project, it’s the best work I’ve ever personally done and I’m delighted with the end result. @sozap helped me more than I can express with critiques and polishing, I am incredibly grateful to them for their help.
117 bones, 70k polygons, 35 days since start of project, 72 versions, 80 hours of work total. I made every part of this- special thanks to Dikko for his poly-building tutorial, it was very helpful in this process.
The texturing was all done by hand. I did use a stitch brush for the stitching and this woven texture for the base. I did most of the texturing with Shader Nodes and Texture Painting- the stitching was done in Affinity Photo, painting over the stitch lines I painted in Blender.
the shader looks cool. Is that done with shader nodes or it is a hand painted diffuse texture? i mean the sheen/fresnel on the suit and that face in the hair.
This isn’t the whole shader, as I’m using quite a few different alpha textures to get the final result, but it’s the relevant part.
The helmet has a simpler shader so that effect may be easier to see:
Super cool work !
It was really great to see how you improved and managed all the issues you encounter during the whole project !
You even learned how to make your own rig in the meantime. It’s super promising and I look forward to see what you’ll do when you’ll apply this new knowledge on other projects !
Keep up the good work !